EvaluATE’s mission is to promote the goals of the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program by partnering with ATE projects and centers to strengthen the program’s evaluation knowledge base, expand the use of exemplary evaluation practices, and support the continuous improvement of technician education throughout the nation.
EvaluATE’s goals are to:
- Ensure that all ATE PIs and evaluators know the essential elements of a credible and useful evaluation
- Maintain a comprehensive collection of online resources for ATE evaluation
- Strengthen and expand the network of ATE evaluation stakeholders
- Gather, synthesize, and disseminate data about ATE program activities to advance knowledge about ATE/technician education
2024–28 | 2332143 | $6,211,812 | EvaluATE: The Evaluation Hub for Advanced Technological Education |
2020–23 | 1841783 | $658,265 | Supplemental funding to conduct research on evaluation |
2020 | 1600992 | $120,294 | Supplemental funding to study ATE student participation and completion |
2019–23 | 1841783 | $4,973,312 | EvaluATE: Evaluation Hub for Advanced Technological Education |
2019–23 | 1841783 | $776,279 | Supplemental funding to conduct ATE Survey and develop new survey portal |
2017–20 | 1600992 | $317,684 | Supplemental funding to conduct ATE Survey |
2016–21 | 1600992 | $1,599,872 | EvaluATE: ATE Evaluation Support Center |
2012–17 | 1204683 | $2,186,660 | EvaluATE: ATE Evaluation Resource Center |
2008–13 | 0802245 | $2,069,415 | EvaluATE: ATE Evaluation Resource Center |
Activities and Products
- Webinars
(each webinar’s presenters are listed alphabetically)
Becho, L.W., Hooker, S., & Hooks Singletary, B. (2025, February). NSF ATE Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation.
Becho, L.W., & Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, November). Using Rapid Qualitative Analysis for Efficient and Effective Project Evaluation.
Becho, L.W., Montrosse-Moorhead, & B., Schroeter, D. (2024, August). Expanding Your Repertoire: A Crash Course in Evaluation Approaches.
Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2024, July). Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals.
Becho, L.W., Hooker, S. (2024, June). Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation.
Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2024, March). Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals (Mentor Connect).
Becho, L.W., & Hooker, S. (2024, February). Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation (Mentor Connect).
Becho, L.W., & Vanegas, G. (2024, February). Transforming STEM education: Unleashing qualitative insights for inclusive learning environments.
Becho, L. W., Hooker, S., & Lopez, M. (2023, December). Practical strategies to interpret evaluation findings.
Becho, L. W., & Hooker, S. (2023, August). Strategies and insights into evaluation plans for NSF ATE proposals.
Becho, L. W., & Hooker, S. (2023, June). Evaluation essentials for non-evaluators: Understanding the basics and benefits of evaluation.
Becho, L. W., & Hooker, S. (2023, April). Strategies and Insights into Evaluation Plans for NSF ATE Proposals (Mentor Connect).
Becho, L. W., & Hooker, S. (2023, March). Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation (Mentor Connect).
Becho, L. W., LoRe, S., & Rucks, L. (2022, September). Beyond Research: Practical Tools for Your Evaluation Toolbox.
Becho, L. W. (2022, June). Evaluation Crash Course for Non-Evaluators. A Webinar for FORCCE-ATE and Mentor Up.
Becho, L. W., Chen, M., Datta, R., Gullickson, A, & Gullickson, A. (2022, May). Leveraging Assessment & Evaluation for Student Success: Working Smarter Not Harder.
Binder, E. (2022, February). Evaluation Crash Course for Non-Evaluators. A Webinar for Mentor-Connect Mentees.
Binder, E., & Wingate, L. (2022, February). The Art and Science of Asking Meaningful Evaluation Questions.
Becho, L. W., & Binder, E. (2021, December). Strategies for reporting qualitative evaluations.
Becho, L. W., & Binder, E. (2021, September). Next-level logic models for your ATE proposal and beyond.
Boyce, A., Smith, T. & Binder, E. (2021, May). What gets measured gets done: Exploring ATE evaluators’ and principal investigators’ attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Becho, L. W., & Binder, E. (2021, February). Evaluation crash course for non-evaluators.
Becho, L. W., Binder, E., & Harnar, M. (2020, December). Making the most of your evaluation: How to use evaluation findings to benefit your project.
Becho, L. W., & Leeburg, E. (2020, August). How to avoid common pitfalls when writing evaluation plans for ATE proposals.
Becho, L. W., & Lesiecki, M. (2020, May). Adapting evaluations in the era of social distancing.
Becho, L. W., & Lesiecki, M. (2019, December). Impact evaluation: What, why, and how.
Becho, L. W., Lesiecki, M., & Perk, E. (2019, August). Evaluation: The secret sauce in your ATE proposal.
Becho, L. W., Lesiecki, M., & Robertson, K. (2019, May). Getting everyone on the same page: Practical strategies for evaluator-stakeholder communication.
Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2019, March). Outcome evaluation: Step-by-step.
Becho, L. W., Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2019, February). Basic principles of survey question development.
Knestis, K., Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2019, January). Three common evaluation fails and how to prevent them.
Becho, L. W., & Perk, E. (2018, September). Creating one-page reports: A strategy for engaging busy readers. [for the Grants Professional Association webinar series]
Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2018, August). Give your proposal a competitive edge with a great evaluation plan.
Becho, L. W., & Perk, E. (2018, May). Creating one-page reports: A strategy for engaging busy readers. [for EvalFest audience NSF#1423004]
Lesiecki, M., Becho, L. W., & Perk, E. (2018, April). Creating one-page reports: A strategy for engaging busy readers.
Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2018, March). Evaluation basics for non-evaluators.
Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2017, August). Evaluation: All the funded ATE proposals are doing it.
Lee, M., & Wingate, L. (2017, March). Outcome evaluation: Step-by-step.
Craft, E., Lee, M., & Wingate, L. (2017, February). Small-scale evaluation.
Robertson, K., & Wingate, L. (2016, December). Anatomy of a user-friendly evaluation report
Lee, M., & Wingate, L. (2016, August). Logic models: Getting them right and using them well.
Beheler, A., Goodyear, L., & Wingate, L. (2016, May). Meeting requirements, exceeding expectations: Understanding the role of evaluation in federal grants.
Cannon, R., Craft, E. Forrest, C., Lee, M., & Wingate, L. (2016, March). Small project evaluation: Principles and practices.
Lee, M., MacDonald, G., & Wingate, L. (2015, December). The retrospective pretest method for evaluating training.
Perk, E., & Wingate, L. (2015, August). Evaluation: Don’t submit your ATE proposal without it.
MacDonald, G., Perk, E., & Wingate, L. (2015, June). Checklists for improving evaluation practice.
Burkhardt, J., Perk, E., & Wingate, L. (2015, May). Naked reporting: Shedding the narrative.
Burkhardt, J., Craft, E., Faber, D., & Wingate, L. (2015, February). High-impact, low-cost evaluation for small projects.
Burkhardt, J., Knestis, K., Tyson, W., & Wingate, L. (2014, December). Evaluation and research in the ATE program.
Bailey, T., Bradley, A., Martens, K., Salinger, G., & Wingate, L. (2014, August). Your ATE proposal: Got evaluation?
Craft, E., Faber, D., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2014, March). Right-sizing evaluation for ATE small grants.
Lesiecki, M., Martens, K., Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2014, January). Orientation to ATE Survey 2014.
MacDonald, G., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2013, November). Questions, data, conclusions, and recommendations: Connecting the dots for an effective evaluation.
Bower, R., Craft, E., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2013, September). ATE evaluation 101.
Bower, R., Della-Piana, C., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2013, August). Evaluation: A key ingredient for a successful ATE proposal.
Burkhardt, J., Lesiecki, M., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2013, May). The nuts and bolts of ATE evaluation reporting.
Burkhardt, J., & Wingate, L. (2013, March). From valuing to visualization: Data interpretation and reporting.
Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2013, January). Developing questions for effective surveys.
Balsamo, J., Martens, K., & Wingate, L. (2012, November). ATE evaluation: measuring reaction, learning, behavior, and results.
Burkhardt, J., Craft, E., Miller, M., & Wingate, L. (2012, September). ATE evaluation 101.
Billman, P., Burkhardt, J., Della-Piana, C., Lesiecki, M., & Wingate, L. (2012, August). Build a better ATE proposal with evaluation and logic models.
Burkhardt, J., Milgram, D., & Wingate, L. (2012, May). How well are we serving our female students in STEM?
Burkhardt, J., Locker, L., & Rucks, L. (2012, March). Reducing the outcomes angst: A step-by-step approach to identify what to measure.
Burkhardt, J., Campbell, D., Evergreen, S., Hull, D., & Wingate, L. (2012, January). Orientation to ATE Survey 2012: What you need to know to get good information into and out of the survey.
Burkhardt, J., Evergreen, S., Kapp, K., & Wilson, K. (2011, November). E-valuation: Assessing webinars, social media, and website usage.
Burkhardt, J., Evergreen, S., Kmiec, J., Lewis, E., Ostrander, J., & Wingate, L. (2011, September). Ready, set, evaluate!
Badway, N., Evergreen, S., Lesiecki, M., Teles, E., & Wingate, L. (2011, July). Strong evaluation plans = stronger proposals.
Evergreen, S., Gullickson, A., Mann, C., & Welch, W. (2011, May). Developing & validating survey instruments.
Evergreen, S., Monsaas, J., Salinger, G., Viquesney, M., & Wingate, L. (2011, March). Claims + evidence: Assessing ATE grant outcomes.
Butzen, S., Evergreen, S., Wilson, K., & Wingate, L. (2011, January). Making sense of your evaluation data.
Craft, E., Evergreen, S., Weeks, M., & Wingate, L. (2010, November). Getting started with your ATE evaluation.
Bartlett, K., Beheler, A., Evergreen, S., & Wingate, L. (2010, September). Workforce needs assessment.
Evergreen, S., Fletcher, L., Kapp, K., Synder, G., Weeks, P., & Wingate, L. (2010, July). Making evaluation integral to your ATE proposal.
Evergreen, S., Weeks, P., Viquesney, M., & Wingate, L. (2010, May). Maximizing evaluation impact.
Gullickson, A. R., Evergreen, S., Saflund, P., Weeks, M., & Wingate, L. (2010, March). Evaluation data: So you have to do a survey….
Evergreen, S., Weeks, M., & Wingate, L. (2010, January). Evaluation tools: Logic models, success indicators and performance standards.
Gullickson, A. R., Evergreen, S., Weeks, M., & Wingate, L. (2009, November). Evaluation basics.
Saflund, P., Evergreen, S., & Gullickson, A. R. (2009, July). Developing strong evaluations for ATE projects.
- Conference Engagement
Becho, L. W., & Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, October). Stories of Impact – Meaningful and Efficient Qualitative Evaluation. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., Banse, H., Bielefeldt, T., Brown, E., Campbell, B., Lore, S., Madden, K., Mullins, M., & Shen, Z. (2024, July). ATE Evaluators: Connect, Share, Learn. Special Interest Group (SIG) at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Boyce, A., & Tovey, T. L. S. (2023, October). Exploring NSF-Funded Evaluators’ and Principal Investigators’ Definitions and Measurement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Co-Presenter for a Reflective Workshop for The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Evaluation Capacity Building Conference (ECBC)
Becho, L. W., & Lopez, M. (2023, October). Interpreting Evaluation Data – Unlocking Insights for Project Improvement. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., Brobst, J., Brown, E., Gruber, J., Heath, B., LoRe, S., & Tewalt, T. (2023, July). ATE Evaluators: Connect, Share, Learn. Special Interest Group (SIG) at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Becho, L. W., Boyce, A., & Tovey, T. (2022, October). Engaging Intentionally with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your ATE Evaluation. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., Germuth, A., LoRe, S., Shattuck, J., & Tucker-Blackmon, A. (2022, July). ATE Evaluators: Connect, Share, Learn. Special Interest Group (SIG) at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Becho, L.W. (2021, October). Stories are data: Analyzing and reporting on qualitative evaluation. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.
Becho, L.W., & Harnar, M. (2020, October). Use it or lose it: How to get the most out of your project evaluation. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.
Becho, L.W. (2019, October). Impact evaluation essentials: Why, what, and how. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Leeburg, E., & Robertson, K. (2019, October). ATE PI survival guide: surviving and thriving in the ATE program. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2019, June). Creating one-page reports: A workshop on how to engage busy readers. Workshop at the American Evaluation Association Summer Institute, Atlanta, GA.
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2018, November). Creating one-page reports: A workshop on how to engage busy readers. Workshop at the Conference for Community College Grant Professionals, Washington, DC.
Becho, L.W., & Wingate, L. (2018, October). Survey fundamentals: Good data starts with good questions. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2018, September). Creating one-page reports: A workshop on how to engage busy readers. Workshop at the Convergence College Network Summit, Frisco, TX. [Partially supported by NSF #1205077]
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2018, September). Creating one-page reports: A workshop on how to engage busy readers. Invited workshop presented to the Michigan Association for Evaluation, Ann Arbor, MI.
Wingate, L., & Becho, L.W. (2017, October). Strategies for effective evaluation reporting. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L., & Lee, M. (2016, October). A practical approach to outcome evaluation: Step-by-step. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L., & Knestis, K. (2015, October). Mid-life project evaluation: Setting the stage for continued funding. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Mann, C., Nisselle, A., Nash, B., & Wingate, L. (2014, October). ATE evaluation practice: Lessons from the field. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L., & Martens, K. (2013, October). Strategies for useful and meaningful interpretation for ATE evaluation data. Preconference workshop given at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L., & Cooper, K. (2012, October). ATE evaluation: Measuring reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Preconference workshop given at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Bailey, T., Kapp, K., Morrill, J., Saflund, P., Sener, J., Wingate, L., & Zamani-Gallaher, E. (2011, October). ATE evaluation challenges and solutions: A peer-to-peer dialogue. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L., Barger, M., Centonze, P., Della-Piana, C., & Gullickson, A. (2010, October). Designing practical and useful evaluations. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Killion, J. (2010, February). Professional development impact evaluation. Workshop at Rio Salado Community College, Tempe, AZ. Hosted by MATEC Networks at Maricopa Community Colleges.
Rogers, G. (2009, October). Evaluating student impact. Workshop at the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, MA. Hosted by the Time Center at the Community College of Baltimore County.
Gale, M., Lefler, M., Sturgis, E, & Vaughn, R. (2024, October). Collecting Student Data in ATE: Strategies for Success. Panel at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, October). Three Tips to Strengthen Communication Between Evaluation and Project Teams. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Sturgis, E. (2024, October). Getting Started for New Grantees. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W. (2024, July). Need an ATE Evaluator? Look No Further. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Marshall, V., & Becho, L. W. (2024, July). Demystifying Evaluation in ATE: Ask Us Anything. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Becho, L. W., Leung, K., & Lewis, J. (2023, October). Developing and Assessing Success Metrics for Work-Based Learning. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Bailey, T., Bishop, J., Boyce, A., LoRe, S., Lynberg, J., & Tovey, T. (2023, October). Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in ATE Evaluation: Case Studies of 3 ATE Projects. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., & Sturgis, E. (2023, October). Celebrating ATE’s Evolution through Findings from the ATE Survey. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., Owens, K., & Silvers, P. (2023, October). What PIs Need to Know about Preparing NSF Annual Reports – Now! Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Sturgis, E. (2023, October). Getting Started for New Grantees. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L.W., & Dean, K. (2023, October). Words Create Worlds: Using Appreciative Inquiry and the Power of Stories for Strategic Thinking. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Boyce, A. S., Tovey, T. L. S., Tewari, N. R., Ashcroft, J. M., Bailey, T., Bishop, J., LoRe, S., Lynberg, J., Madden, J., & Tantawi, K. (2023, October). Centering Care Through Participatory Action Research on Engagement with DEI in STEM Evaluation. Panel presented at the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment Conference, Chicago, IL.
Marshall, V. (2023, July). From evaluation to action: Using evaluation findings to improve your project. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Becho, L. W., & Lopez, M. (2023, July). Crafting clear and concise logic models for successful ATE proposals and evaluations. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Robertson, K, & Wingate, L. (2023, April). Distilling evaluation practice into 43 essential tasks. Presentation for The Evaluation Center’s Evaluation Cafe series, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
Marshall, V., Slowinski, M., & Becho, L. W. (2022, October). Bridging workplace-based learning research and practice in ATE. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigator Conference, virtual.
Boyce, A., Tovey, T., & Becho, L. W. (2022, October). Evaluating your ATE project with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigator Conference, Washington, D.C
Lopez, M., & Becho, L. W. (2022, October). Get the word out: Sharing innovative practices, resources, and data with others. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigator Conference, Washington, D.C
Zelinsky, M., Becho, L. W., LoRe, S., Rucks, L., & Snyder, G. (2022, July). Help! How do I find an external evaluator. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Sturgis, E., & Marshall, V. (2022, July). Making data useful for your ATE proposal: A how-to of the ATE data dashboard. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Becho, L. W., & Zelinsky, M. (2022, July). Integrating evaluation into your ATE proposal. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Sturgis, E., & Zelinsky, M. (2022, May). Designing survey demographic questions with equity in mind. Presentation at the Michigan Evaluation Association conference, virtual.
Ruhf, R., Williams, C., Zelinsky, M., & Becho, L. W. (2021, November). An exploration of current systems for and barriers to counting students served by the Advanced Technological Education program. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Virtual.
Becho, L. W. (2021, October). Getting started for new grantees. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual
Wingate, L. A., & Knestis, K. (2021, October). Impactful evaluation questions and strategies for getting to so what? Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual
Becho, L. W., Marshall, V., & Zelinski, M. (2021, July). Data-informed NSF ATE proposals: Exploring and using the new ATE Survey dashboard. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual.
Becho, L. W., Bragg, D., Cosgrove, J., & Zarch, R. (2020, October). Evaluations in the era of COVID-19. Panel at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.
Leeburg, E. (2020, October). Getting started for new grantees. Preconference workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.
Wingate, L. A. (2020, October). Visioning the future of evaluation in the ATE program. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Virtual.
Marshall, V., & Becho, L. W. (2020, July). Data-driven proposals: Usine ATE Survey findings in your next proposal. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual.
Becho, L. W. (2020, July). Evalu….What? A quick introduction to evaluation. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Virtual.
Wingate, L. A., & Robertson, K. (2019, November). Evaluation blogging: What’s in it for me? Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Becho, L. W., & Robertson, K. (2019, November). Quick reference guides evaluators can’t live without. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Becho, L. W. (2019, November). Changing horses in midstream: How to revise longitudinal surveys? Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Boyce, A. (2019, November). Embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion: Applications toward a future of evaluation that leaves no one behind. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Wingate, L. A. (2019, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Leeburg, E. (2019, October). Community-driven solutions to ATE evaluation challenges. Presentation given at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L.W., & Perk, E. (2019, July). Evaluation: The secret sauce to your ATE proposal. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Bower, R., Roberts, R., Manupelli, A., Slowinski, M., Barger, M., Lesiecki, M., & Perk, E. (2019, July). Get the word out: Outreach tips and tricks from the ATE community. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Becho, L.W., & Wingate, L. (2019, May). A crash course in developing survey questions. Presentation at the Michigan Association for Evaluation Conference, Lansing, MI.
Robertson, K., & Becho, L.W. (2019, May). Management and communication strategies: how to keep your clients in the know. Presentation at the Michigan Association for Evaluation Conference, Lansing, MI.
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2018, November). Data visualization for grant specialists: Communicating evaluation data effectively. Presentation at the Conference for Community College Grant Professionals.
Wingate, L. A., & Perk, E. (2018, November). Maximizing the medium: Using webinars effectively for evaluation capacity building. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Becho, L. W., & Wingate, L. A. (2018, October). Basic principles of survey question development: A crash course. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., Reid, B., & Wingate, L. (2018, October). ATE evaluation network launch. Synergy session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Lesiecki, M., & Perk, E. (2018, July). Mechanisms to demonstrate impact of your project or program: Did they do better? Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Miami, FL.
Perk, E., & Becho, L.W. (2018, July). Creating one-page reports: Strategies for engaging busy readers. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Miami, FL.
Bower, R., Roberts, R., Manupelli, A., Slowinski, M., Barger, M., Lesiecki, M., & Perk, E. (2018, July). Outreach strategies for broadening impact and participation. Presentation at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Miami, FL.
Lesiecki, M. (2017, November). Finding and managing a qualified an evaluator at the proposal stage. Presentation at the Grant Professionals Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
Perk, E., & Wilson, L. (2017, November). One pagers: Simple and engaging reporting. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L., & Wingate, L. (2017, October). Strategies for effective evaluation reporting. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Robertson, K. (2017, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Wilson, L. (2017, July). Repackaging evaluation reports for maximum impact. Presentation at the annual High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Perk, E., & Endres, C. (2016, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Robertson, K. (2016, October). Checklist for designing user-friendly evaluation reports. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA.
Wingate, L. (2016, October). A practical approach to outcome evaluation: Step-by-step. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wilson, L., & Robertson, K. (2016, July). Logic models: The Swiss army knife of project planning and evaluation. Presentation at the annual High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Pittsburg, PA.
Lee, M. (2015, November). How to build data dashboards. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
Perk, E. (2015, November). DIY video production for evaluators. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
Wingate, L., & Knestis, K. (2015, October). Mid-life project evaluation: Setting the stage for continued funding. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E. (2015, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Smith, C. (2015, July). Evaluation: Don’t submit your ATE proposal without it. Presentation at the annual High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Portland, OR.
Perk, E., & Burkhardt, J. (2014, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Martens, K. (2014, July). Evaluation: A key ingredient for a successful ATE proposal. Presentation at the annual High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Chicago, IL.
Burkhardt, J., Gullickson, A. R., & Smith, C. (2013, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Gullickson, A. R. (2012, October). Getting started with your ATE evaluation. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Evergreen, S. (2011, November). So what, social media? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
Gullickson, A. R. (Chair), Della-Piana, C. (Discussant). (2011, November). The evolution of evaluation within a National Science Foundation program: Integrating policy, practice, and vision. Multipaper session presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
This session included these presentations:Evaluation expectations expressed in National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education program solicitations: An analysis of changes in de facto evaluation policy since 1993 by L. Wingate
Evaluative claims and evidence: Current practice by C. Westine
Articulating a vision for program wide evaluative claims and evidence: Giving voice to stakeholders by J. Ostrander & P. Weeks
Wilson, K. (2011, November). Google analytics: Goldmine of free evaluation data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA.
Evergreen, S., & Gullickson, A. R. (2011, October). EvaluATE: Evaluation resource center for advanced technological education. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Gullickson, A. (2011, June). Broadening the impact of STEM education through evaluation. Panel session at Broadening Impact: NSF-funded projects at two-year colleges conference, Washington, DC.
Gullickson, A. R. (Chair), & Saflund, P. (Discussant). (2010, November). Evaluation opportunities within a National Science Foundation (NSF) program. Multipaper session presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
This session includes these presentations:Wanted: Evaluators! by L. Wingate
Ten-year trends in evaluation practice in an NSF program, by S. Evergreen & C. Westine
Evaluating in the community college context, by P. Weeks & P. Saflund
Evaluation challenges and innovations in NSF-funded Advanced Technological Education centers, by A. M. Gullickson
Wingate, L. (2010, November). The use of the Program Evaluation Standards in metaevaluation: Potential and pitfalls. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
Evergreen, S., & Gullickson, A. R. (2010, October). EvaluATE: Evaluation resource center for advanced technological education. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L. (2010, February). Metaevaluation data: How much can and should written reports tell us about an evaluation’s quality? Presentation for The Evaluation Center’s Evaluation Café series, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
Gullickson, A. R. (Chair), & Lawrenz, F. (Discussant). (2009, November). Assessing evaluation needs: Multiple methods and implications for practice. Multipaper session presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL.
This session includes these presentations:Metaevaluation as needs assessment, by L. Wingate.
Listening to needs: How requests for evaluation assistance can teach us how to be better evaluators, by S. Evergreen
Comparison of evaluation use and organizational factors as needs assessment, by A. M. Gullickson
Wingate, L. (2009, November). The Program Evaluation Standards applied for metaevaluation purposes: Investigating interrater reliability and implications for practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL.
Gullickson, A. R., Evergreen, S., & Wingate, L. (2009, October). EvaluATE: Evaluation resource center for advanced technological education. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Saflund, P., Wingate, L., Evergreen, S., & Gullickson, A. R. (2009, July). Demonstrating value for technology programs. Presentation at the annual High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. R. (2008, October). ATE annual survey. Presentation given as part of the Getting Started Workshop at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L. (2008, November). Metaevaluation: Purpose, prescription, and practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
Gullickson, A. R., & Wingate, L. (2008, October). ATE professional development evaluation. Discussion session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Marshall, V., & Slowinski, M. (2023, July). Workplace-based learning in ATE: The role of language and its potential impacts. Poster presented at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Lopez, M., & Becho, L. W. (2022, November). Get the word out: Translating findings from research on evaluation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, New Orleans, LA.
Robertson, K., & Wingate, L. (2022, November). Distilling evaluation practice into 43 essential tasks. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, New Orleans, LA.
Barger, M. (2016, March). Evaluation resources for non-evaluators. Poster presented at Innovations 2017, the annual meeting of the League for Innovation in the Community College, San Francisco, CA.
Wingate, L., & Schroeter, D. (2015, November). Evaluation questions: The foundation for a meaningful and useful evaluation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
Gullickson, A. R., & Westine, C. D. (2015, November). The congruence between claims and evidence: A focus on professional development within the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association. Chicago, IL.
Wingate, L., Smith, C., Perk, E., & Burkhardt, J. (2015, April). NSF investment in advancing evaluation. Poster presented at the Research and Creative Activities Poster and Performance Day, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Wingate, L., Smith, C., Perk, E., & Burkhardt, J. (2014, October). NSF investment in advancing evaluation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
Wingate, L., Martens, K., & Burkhardt, J. (2014, February). Meet them where they are: Web-based evaluation capacity building. Poster presented at Teaching with Technology Symposium at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Wingate, L., Martens, K., & Burkhardt, J. (2013, October). Meet them where they are: Web-based evaluation capacity building. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.
Weeks, P. (2011, March). EvaluATE: The evaluation resource center for advanced technological education. Poster presented at the ITEST Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
Westine, C., Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. R. (2010, November). The importance of using multiple metrics to investigate a single program goal. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
Weeks, P. (2010, February). EvaluATE: The evaluation resource center for advanced technological education. Poster presented at the ITEST Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC.
Roundtables and Birds of a Feather Sessions
Marshall, V., & McKeown, G. (2023, October). Learning from Experience: Sharing Insights on Evaluation Facilitators. Roundtable presented at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., & Lopez, M. (2022, October). Getting started with your evaluation: How to set your ATE evaluation up for success. Presentation at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigator Conference, Washington, D.C
Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., Boyce, A. S., Smith, T. L., Adetogun, A., Arias Orozco, G., Avent, C., Reid, A., & Stockdale, M. (2019, November). Embracing equity, diversity, and inclusion: Applications toward a future of evaluation that leaves no one behind. Roundtable presented at the meeting for the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Leeburg, E., & Becho, L. W. (2019, October). Beyond the evaluation report: Creating one-page reports. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Becho, L. W., & Marshall, V. (2019, October). A look at findings from the 2019 ATE survey. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Harnar, M. (2019, October). Evaluation use: Sharing stories of how evaluation is being used in ATE. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Boyce, A., Moller, J. R., Onwuka, O., & Smith, T. L. (2019, October). Defining and measuring EDI: The road to a diversified STEM workforce. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Gullickson, A., & Bailey, T. (2018, October). Encouraging innovation in professional development. Birds of a Feather at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Robertson, K. N. (2018, October). New resources from EvaluATE: An input session. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Perk, E., & Reid, B. (2017, October). Building a community of ATE evaluators. Roundtable at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Bailey, T., Cossette, I., & Gullickson, A. (2017, October). Strengthening evaluation use in professional development programs. Birds of a feather session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Martens, K., & Smith, C. (2013, October). Do it better now: Resources to support evaluation practice in real time. Roundtable session at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.
Billman, P., Hata, D., Saflund, P., Smith, L., & Wingate, L. (2012, October). Beyond satisfaction and short-term self-reports: Evaluating the impact of your ATE grant. Birds of a Feather session conducted at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Burkhardt, J., & Wingate, L. (2011, October). Evaluating ATE’s impact on student outcomes. Roundtable session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Evergreen, S., & Wingate, L. (2010, October). ATE evaluation: Building a community of practice. Roundtable session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Boisvert, D., & Wingate, L. (2009, October). Learning and evaluation. “Birds of a Feather” sessions conducted at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Weeks, P., & Wingate, L. (2009, October). Evaluation challenges and solutions. Roundtable session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
Wingate, L. (2008, November). Identifying and serving the needs of evaluators in a federally-funded program context. Roundtable session at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. R. (2008, October). Evaluation challenges & solutions. Roundtable session at the Advanced Technological Education Principal Investigators Conference, Washington, DC.
- Publications
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Marshall, V. A., Slowinski, M. & Becho, L. W. (2024). WBL in Two-Year Colleges: What’s in a Name? Journal of Advanced Technological Education, 3(2). https://micronanoeducation.org/journal/volume-3-issue-2/wbl-in-two-year-colleges-whats-in-a-name/
Boyce, A. S., Tovey, T. L., Onwuka, O., Moller, J. R., Clark, T., Smith, A. (2022). Exploring NSF-funded evaluators’ and principal investigators’ definitions and measurement of diversity, equity, and inclusion. American Journal of Evaluation, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/10982140221108662
Wingate, L., Robertson, K. N., FitzGerald, M., Rucks, L., Tsuzaki, T., Classen, C., & Schwob, J. (2022). Thinking outside the self-report: Using evaluation plans to assess evaluation capacity building. American Journal of Evaluation, 43(4), 515–538. https://doi.org/10.1177/10982140211062884
Ruhf, R., Williams, C. T., Zelinsky, M., & Becho, L. W. (2022). Barriers to collecting student participation and completion data for a national STEM education grant program in the United States: a multiple case study. International Journal of STEM Education, 9:30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40594-022-00348-w
Wingate, L. A., Smith, N. L., & Perk, E. (2018). The project vita: A dynamic knowledge management tool. Evaluation and Program Planning, 71, 22–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2018.06.004
Wingate, L. A. (2017). Advancing research in the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. 41(6), 370–373. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2016.1270239
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. A. (2016). Strategies for broadening participation in advanced technological education programs: Practice and perceptions. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40(9), 779–796. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2015.1108252
Kapp, K., & Wingate, L. A. (2012). Designing, marketing and delivering an effective webinar: Guidelines based on research and practice. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, 2(3).
White Papers
Boyce, A. S., Smith, T. L., & Clark, T. (2021, March). Defining and measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in Advanced Technological (ATE) contexts: Summer 2020 EvaluATE evaluator survey findings.
Boyce, A. S., Smith, T. L., Clark, T., Moller, J., Onwuka, O., & Smith, A. (2021, March). Defining and measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion in Advanced Technological (ATE) contexts: 2019 EvaluATE PI and evaluator survey findings.
Ruhf, R. J., Williams, C. T., Zelinsky, M., & Becho, L. W. (2021). Student participation and completion of marketable credentials: An exploration of current systems for and barriers to tracking students served by the Advanced Technological Education program.
- ATE Survey Reports
The WMU Evaluation Center has conducted an annual survey of ATE grantees since 2000. This work was supported by multiple grants, including those that have funded EvaluATE since 2008. Reports from this work include the following:
Sturgis, E., Marshall, V. A., Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., & Gullickson, A. (2024). ATE Survey: 2022 report.
Marshall, V. A., Sturgis, E., Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., & Gullickson, A. (2021). ATE Survey: 2021 report.
Marshall, V.A., & Becho, L. W. (2021). ATE annual survey: 2021 Highlights.
Marshall, V.A., Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., & Gullickson, A. (2020). ATE annual survey: 2020 Report.
Marshall, V.A., Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., & Gullickson, A.(2020). ATE annual survey: 2020 Highlights.
Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., Gullickson, A., & Marshall, V.A. (2019). ATE annual survey: 2019 Highlights.
Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., Gullickson, A. & Marshall, V.A. (2019). ATE annual survey: 2019 report.
Becho, L. W., & Wingate, L. A. (2018). ATE annual survey: 2018 report.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Evaluation in ATE: 2018.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2018.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Women in ATE: 2018.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Evaluation in ATE: 2017.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2017.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Race in ATE: 2017.
Becho, L. W. (2018). Women in ATE: 2017.
Becho, L. W. (2017). Evaluation in ATE: 2016.
Becho, L. W. (2017). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2016.
Becho, L. W. (2017). Women in ATE: 2016.
Becho, L. W., Wingate, L. A., Gullickson, A., & Perk, E. (2017). ATE annual survey: 2017 report.
Wilson, L., Wingate, L. A., Lee, M., & Gullickson, A. (2016). ATE annual survey: 2016 report.
Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Lee, M. (2016). Evaluation in ATE: 2015.
Wilson, L., Perk, E., & Lee, M. (2016). Women in ATE: 2015.
Wilson, L., Perk, E., & Lee, M. (2016). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2015.
Wilson, L., Smith, C. (2016). Engagement of Business and Industry in Program Evaluation: 2014.
Smith, C., Wingate, L. A., Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Gullickson, A. (2015). ATE annual survey: 2015 report.
Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Smith, C. (2015). Evaluation in ATE: 2014.
Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Smith, C. (2015). Women in ATE: 2014.
Perk, E., & Wilson, L., & Smith, C. (2015). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2014.
Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Smith, C. (2015). Evaluation in ATE: 2014.
Perk, E., Wilson, L., & Smith, C. (2015). Women in ATE: 2014.
Wilson, L., & Perk, E. (2015). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2014.
Smith, C. (2014). Evaluation in ATE: 2013.
Smith, C. (2014). Women in ATE: 2013.
Smith, C. (2014). Racial/ethnic distribution: ATE compared with the U.S. general population: 2013.
Smith, C. (2014). Underrepresented Minority Students in ATE: 2013.
Smith, C., Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. (2014). Advanced Technological Education survey 2014 fact sheet.
Smith, C. (2013). Business/industry collaboration in ATE: 2012.
Smith, C. (2013). Efforts to improve recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students: Practices and perceptions of ATE grantees.
Smith, C. (2013). Evaluation in ATE: 2012.
Smith, C. (2013). Racial/ethnic distribution: ATE compared with the U.S. general population.
Smith, C. (2013). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2012.
Smith, C. (2013). Women in ATE: 2012.
Smith, C., Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. (2013). Advanced Technological Education survey 2013 fact sheet.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Evaluation in ATE.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Materials development in in ATE: 2006–11.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Professional development in ATE: 2006–11.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Program improvement in ATE: 2006–11.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups by ATE grantees.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Underrepresented minority students in ATE: 2011.
Smith, C., & Wingate, L. (2012). Women in ATE: 2011.
Wingate, L., Smith, C., Westine, C., & Gullickson, A. (2012). Advanced Technological Education survey 2012 fact sheet.
Westine, C. (2011). ATE program improvement evaluation: 2011 survey data snapshot.
Westine, C. (2011). ATE professional development claims and evidence: 2011 survey data snapshot.
Westine, C. (2011). People of color in ATE: 2011 survey data snapshot.
Westine, C. (2011). Women in ATE: 2011 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L., Westine, C., & Gullickson, A. (2011). Advanced Technological Education survey 2011 fact sheet.
Wingate, L. (2010). ATE professional development evaluation: 2010 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L. (2010). ATE program improvement evaluation: 2010 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L. (2010). People of color in ATE: 2010 survey data snapshot. Kalamazoo: The Evaluation Center, Western Michigan University.
Wingate, L. (2010). Women in ATE: 2010 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L., Westine, C., & Gullickson, A. (2010). Advanced Technological Education survey 2010 fact sheet.
Westine, C., Gullickson, A., & Wingate, L. (2010). Female participation in ATE-funded programs: A ten-year trend.
Wingate, L., & Gullickson, A. (2009). Advanced Technological Education Program 2009 survey fact sheet.
Wingate, L. (2009). ATE Project & Center professional development evaluation practices: 2009 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L. (2009). ATE Project & Center program improvement evaluation practices: 2009 survey data snapshot.
Wingate, L. (2009). Demographic characteristics of students enrolled in ATE-supported bio-related programs: 2009 survey data snapshot.
- Community Conversations
Called Webchats between 2020-2024
Hooker, S. & Hooks Singletary, B. (2025, February). Understanding the ATE Context.
McClure, M.L. & Sturgis, E. (2025, February). Completing for the 2025 ATE Survey.
McClure, M.L. & Sturgis, E. (2025, January). Preparing for the 2025 ATE Survey.
Hooker, S. & Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, November). Increasing Survey Response Rates.
Hooker, S. & Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, October). Creating Data Dashboards.
Hooker, S. & Hooks Singletary, B. (2024, September). Asking Critical Questions in Evaluation.
Becho, L.W. & Hooker, S. (2024, August). Why Does My Proposal Need an Evaluation Plan?
Becho, L.W. & Hooker, S. (2024, June). Collecting and Reporting Demographic Data.
Becho, L. W. & Hooker, S. (2024, May). Post-Evaluation Action Planning.
Becho, L. W. & Hooker, S. (2024, April). Asset-focused Evaluation Reporting.
Becho, L. W. & Hooker, S. (2024, March). Managing Evaluation Projects.
Becho, L. W. (2024, February). Qualitative Evaluation.
Becho, L. W. & Sturgis, E. (2024, February). Preparing for the 2024 ATE Survey.
Becho, L. W. & Sturgis, E. (2024, January). Preparing for the 2024 ATE Survey.
Lopez, M. (2023, December). Reflecting on 2023.
Becho, L. W., Hooker, S. (2023, November). Lessons from ATE evaluators.
Becho, L. W. Hooker, S. (2023, October). Creating evaluation summaries.
Becho, L. W. Hooker, S. (2023, September). Publishing your evaluation findings & IRB woes.
Becho, L. W. (2023, August). Finding & hiring an evaluator.
Becho, L. W. (2023, July). The role of AI in evaluation.
Becho, L. W. Boyce, A. S., Tovey, T. L. S. (2023, June). Diversity, equity and inclusion in evaluations.
Becho, L. W. (2023, May). Putting Your Evaluation into Action.
Becho, L. W. (2023, April). Writing Effective and Actionable Evaluation Recommendations.
Wingate, L. (2023, March). Answering Evaluative Questions.
Becho, L. W. & Sturgis, E. (2023, March). Completing the 2023 ATE Survey.
Becho, L. W. (2023, February). Working with your Institutional Research Office.
Becho, L. W. & Sturgis, E. (2023, January). Preparing for the 2023 ATE Survey.
Becho, L. W. (2022, December). Reflecting on evaluation in 2022.
Lopez, M., & Robertson, K. (2022, November). Using your evaluation findings.
Becho, L. W. (2022, November). Reflections from ATE PI Conference.
Becho, L. W. & Sturgis, E. (2022, September). Using findings from the ATE Survey.
Becho, L. W. (2022, August). Data visualization.
Becho, L. W. (2022, July). Writing evaluation plans for ATE proposals.
Binder, E., Ackerman, N., & Mallak, L. (2022, May). Sentiment analysis.
Binder, E., & Becho, L. W. (2022, April). Checking in on your evaluations.
Binder, E., & Becho, L. W. (2022, March). Analyzing evaluation data.
Binder, E. (2022, March). ATE proposals with Mentor Connect.
Binder, E., Sturgis, E., & Zelinsky, M. (2022, February). Preparing for the ATE Survey.
Binder, E., & Wingate, L. (2022, February). Evaluation questions.
Binder, E., Sturgis, E., & Zelinsky, M. (2022, January). Preparing for the ATE Survey.
Binder, E., & Becho L. W. (2021, December). Evaluation methods
Binder, E., & Becho L. W. (2021, November). Getting started with your evaluation
Binder, E., & Becho L. W. (2021, October). ATE PI conference recap
Becho L. W., & Robertson, K. (2021, September). What do evaluators do?
Leeburg, E., & Becho L. W. (2021, August). Logic models.
Leeburg, E., Becho L. W., & Robertson, K. (2021, July). Research on ATE proposals
Leeburg, E., Becho L. W., & Wingate, L. A. (2021, June). Evaluator procurement.
Leeburg, E., Becho L. W., Boyce, A., & Smith, T. (2021, May). Equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Leeburg, E. (2021, April). Evaluation reporting.
Craft, E., & Leeburg, E. (2021, March). ATE proposals with Mentor Connect.
Marshall, V. (2021, February). ATE annual survey.
Leeburg, E. (2021, February). Data collection.
Marshall, V. (2021, January). ATE annual survey.
Leeburg, E., & Harnar, M. (2020, December). Evaluation use in ATE.
Leeburg, E., & Boyce, A. (2020, November). EDI and the ATE community.
Leeburg, E. (2020, October). ATE PI conference follow up.
Becho, L. W. (2020, September). First conversations between PI and evaluator.
Becho, L. W. (2020, August).
Becho, L. W. (2020, July).
Leeburg, E. (2020, June).
Leeburg, E. (2020, May). Evaluation and social distancing.
- Newsletters
EvaluATE published its newsletter quarterly from 2008-2014; these issues are archived here.
- Blog Posts
EvaluATE has published a community blog on a bi-weekly basis since Fall 2014. All blog posts are available from https://www.evalu-ate.org/category/blog/. All contributors to the blog are listed in our Contributors and Consultants section.
Term | Staff |
2015–present | Lyssa Wilson Becho, Principal Investigator (Doctoral Associate, 2015-17, Project Manager, 2017-20) |
2008–present | Lori Wingate, Co-Principal Investigator (Principal Investigator, 2010-20, Co-Principal Investigator, 2008-10) |
2008–present | Arlen Gullickson, Advisor (Co-Principal Investigator,2010-21, Principal Investigator, 2008-10) |
2019–present | Ayesha Boyce, Co-Principal Investigator |
2020–present | Megan Lopez, Co-Principal Investigator (Senior Research Associate, 2020-23) |
2024–present | Tiffany Tovey, Co-Principal Investigator |
2016–present | Kelly Robertson, Principal Research Associate |
2024–present | Brianna Hooks Singletary, Senior Research Associate |
2019–present | Valerie Marshall, Research Associate |
2021–present | Erika Sturgis, Project Manager |
2022–present | Samantha Hooker, Marketing & Communication Specialist |
2023–present | Maureen Green, Project Assistant |
2023–present | Lee McClure, Project Manager |
2012-2022 | Emma Binder, Project Manager, Co-Principal Investigator |
2019–2022 | Anastasia Councell, Project Assistant Sr. |
2019-2022 | Michael Harnar, Co-Principal Investigator |
2020-2021 | Larry Mallak, Co-Principal Investigator |
2019–2021 | Takara Tsuzaki, Doctoral Associate |
2020–2022 | Zach Tilton, Doctoral Associate |
2019 | Jon Bartik, Doctoral Associate |
2008–17 | Patricia Negrevski, Budget Analyst/Administrative Assistant |
2011–17 | Miranda Lee, Project Manager |
2015–17 | Cheryl Endres, Doctoral Associate |
2012–14 | Krystin Martens, Project Manager |
2009–11 | Peggie Weeks, Senior Evaluation Associate |
2008–12 | Stephanie Evergreen, Senior Research Associate |
2008–09 | Kristi Cowhy, Undergraduate Research Assistant |
2012–15 | Corey Smith, Doctoral Associate |
2009–13 | Carl Westine, Doctoral Associate |
Advisory Committee Members
National Visiting Committee
Darla Cooper, The RP Group (2019–2023)
John Cosgrove, Cosgrove & Associates (2017–2023)
Dennis Faber, Community College of Baltimore County (retired) (2009–2023)
Leslie Goodyear, Education Development Center (2016–2023)
Sharon Gusky, Northwest Connecticut Community College (2019–2023)
Eileen Lento, MatchMaker Education Labs, PBC (2016–2023)
Barbara Pellegrini, STEP Consulting (2009–15)
Peter Saflund, The Saflund Institute (2009–14)
Nick Smith, Chair, Syracuse University (retired) (2009–2023)
Elizabeth Teles, Teles Consulting (2009–16)
Xueli Wang, University of Wisconsin–Madison (2019-2023)
Peggie Weeks, Lamoka Educational Consulting (2014–17)
Community College Liaison Panel
Michael Lesiecki (Chair), Maricopa Community College (2013–19)
Marilyn Barger, Hillsborough Community College (2013–19)
Sharon Gusky, Northwest Connecticut Community College (2016–19)
Mike Rudibaugh, Lake Land College (2016–19)
Jane Ostrander, Truckee Meadows Community College (2013–15)
Gordon Snyder, Springfield Technical Community College (2013–15)
Community of Practice Advisors (2011 only)
Phil Centonze, Pos-Impact, LLC
Dan Davidchik, Central Community College
William Doherty, Third Star Consulting & Education
Joyce LaTulippe, Cambridge College
Candiya Mann, Washington State University
Jane Ostrander, DeAnza College
Contributors and Consultants
Cherie Avent, University of North Carolina Greensboro (August 6, 2019)
Tarek Azzam, Claremont Graduate University (June 24, 2015)
Kelly Ball, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (September 28, 2016)
Terryll Bailey, The Allison Group (October 16, 2019)
Lindsay Barone, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (September 26, 2018)
Marilyn Barger, Hillsborough Community College (November 19, 2014)
Rachel Becker-Klein, PEER Associates (August 5, 2015; January 31, 2018)
Ann Beheler, Collin College (January 17, 2018)
Vera Beletzan, Humber College (October 31, 2017)
Jennifer Bellville, Thomas P. Miller & Associates (March 28, 2018)
Talbot Bielefeldt, Independent Educational Program Evaluator (November 18, 2015)
Emma Binder, Western Michigan University (March 24, 2021)
Nena Bloom, Northern Arizona University (September 18, 2018)
Ann Burnett, North Dakota State University (December 1, 2021)
Kendra Bouda, University of Wisconsin–Madison (July 15, 2015)
Rachael Bower, University of Wisconsin–Madison (July 15, 2015)
Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina Greensboro (December 10, 2015; December 16, 2015)
Åsa Bradley, Spokane Falls Community College (September 30, 2015)
Carolyn Brennan, University of Washington Bothell (February 4, 2015)
Joe Brobst, Old Dominion University, (February 10, 2025)
LeAnn Brosius, Kansas State University (November 26, 2019)
Evelyn Brown, NC State Industry Expansion Solutions (June 11, 2018, February 20, 2024)
Steven Budd, Steven Budd Consulting (April 15, 2015)
Erin Burr, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (October 17, 2018, October 17, 2018)
Russell Cannon, University of Washington Bothell (February 4, 2015)
George Chitiyo, Tennessee Tech University (June 10, 2020, July 18, 2024)
Dakota Cintron, E4A Methods Laboratory (July 14, 2021)
Gregory J. Cizek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (October 14, 2015)
Adam Cless, Kansas State University (November 26, 2019)
Janet Clinton, University of Melbourne (May 6, 2015)
David Cofer, (March 24, 2021)
Holly Connell, Kansas State University ( January 14, 2021)
Darla Cooper, RP Group ( April 12, 2021)
Kevin Cooper, IRSC (June 13, 2019)
Anne Cosby, Magnolia Consulting, LLC (April 3, 2019)
John Cosgrove, Cosgrove & Associates (November 14, 2017 & May, 23, 2018, December 11, 2019)
Maggie Cosgrove, Cosgrove & Associates (November 14, 2017)
Vicky Coulon, Education Development Center (January 20, 2016)
Elaine Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College (November 12, 2014; May 13, 2015)
Jane Davidson, Evaluation Methodology Basics (June 16, 2021)
Mark Dempsey, Collin College’s National Convergent Technology Center (April 29, 2020)
Brianna Dines, TPMA (February 10, 2025)
Erica Dodds, Healthy Climate Alliance (June 20, 2018)
John Dorris, NC State Industry Expansion Solutions (August 2, 2017)
Kerrie Anna Douglas, Purdue University (July 22, 2015)
Deb Douma, Pensacola State College (March 25, 2015; March 20, 2018)
Sarah Dunifon, Improved Insights (June 2, 2021)
Pamela Eddy, College of William & Mary (June 21, 2017)
Ann Emery, Data Depict Studios, LLC. (November 11, 2020)
Shelly Engelman, The Findings Group (December 16, 2016)
Patrick Fiorenza, Hezel Associates (July 8, 2015; January 2, 2018)
Michael FitzGerald, The Rucks Group (May 10, 2021)
Ginger Fitzhugh, Education Development Center (January 13, 2016)
Tashera Gale, Higher Ed Insight (October 14, 2020)
Amy Germuth, EvalWorks, LLC (December 2, 2015, January 9, 2020)
Don Glass, Developmental Evaluator (August 9, 2020)
Andrea Goldfien, San Francisco State University (June 21,2020)
Leslie Goodyear, Education Development Center (August 17, 2016)
Neal Grandgenett, University of Nebraska Omaha (September 18, 2018)
Jeff Grebinoski, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (September 28, 2016)
Jennifer Gruber, Magnolia Consulting, LLC (January 10, 2025)
Amy Gullickson, University of Melbourne (April 22, 2015)
Sharon Gusky, Northwestern Connecticut Community College (January 11, 2022)
Breonte Guy, Winston-Salem State University (December 1, 2016)
Arlen Gullickson, Western Michigan University (November 18, 2021)
Erin Hagan, Evidence for Action (July 14, 2021)
Michael Harnar, Western Michigan University (January 25, 2019)
David Hata, TEMPlaTe Educational Consulting (April 1, 2015)
Andrew Hayman, Hezel Associtates (February 17, 2016)
Ada Haynes, Tennessee Technological University (May 27, 2020)
Barbara Heath, East Main Evaluation & Consulting, LLC (July 25, 2024)
Dawn Henderson, Winston-Salem State University (December 1, 2016)
Molly Henschel, Magnolia Consulting, LLC (April 3, 2019)
Maureen Hoffman, TPMA (June 26, 2024)
Samantha Hooker, Western Michigan University (July 11, 2023; January 10, 2024)
Aleata Hubbard, WestEd (September 1, 2016)
Ouen Hunter, Western Michigan University (January 25, 2019)
Melanie Hwalek, SPEC Associates (April 13, 2016, April 12, 2017)
Jen Hsu, Western Michigan University (May 27, 2015)
Tania Jarosewich, Censeo Group (February 11, 2016)
Michael Johnston, Pensacola State College (March 20, 2018)
Faye R. Jones, Florida State University (May 1, 2019; May 15, 2019; April 2, 2020)
Alecia Kallos, Three Hive (August 25, 2021)
Karl Kapp, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (July 24, 2019)
Aaron Kates, Effect X (February 8, 2024)
Kimberle Kelly, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (October 17, 2018, October 17, 2018)
David Keyes, R for the Rest of Us (February 5, 2020, July 8, 2020)
Lisa Kirkham, Purdue University (January 10, 2017)
Jim and Wendy Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Partners (October 2, 2019)
Steven Klein, RTI International (February 15, 2017)
Kirk Knestis, Hezel Associates (December 3, 2014; November 21, 2018; April 11, 2018, November 14, 2023)
Audra Kosh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (October 14, 2015)
Sonia Koshy, Kapor Center (November 29, 2018)
Michael Lesiecki, Luka Partners (January 7, 2015, January 11, 2019, June 3, 2019)
Anna Rebecca (AR) Lopez (April 22, 2021)
Megan Lopez, Western Michigan University (July 28, 2021)
Sondra LoRe, Chattanooga State (August 15, 2022)
Christopher Lutz, Anoka-Ramsey Community College (July 3, 2018)
Linlin Li, WestEd (June 7, 2017)
Sarah MacGillivray, Education Development Center (November 8, 2018)
Candiya Mann, Washington State University (August 22, 2019)
Marcia A. Mardis, Florida State (May 1, 2019; May 15, 2019; April 2, 2020)
Chad Markert, Winston-Salem State University (December 1, 2016)
Valerie Marshall, Western Michigan University (July 28, 2021; March 20, 2024; June 20, 2024)
Ann Martin, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (October 17, 2018, October 17, 2018)
Diana Pollard McCauley Williams, Evaluation and Grant Support Collaborative (EGSC) (August 16, 2017; April 11, 2024)
Monica McGill, CSEdResearch (September 30, 2020)
Donna Milgram, Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (January 14, 2015)
Morgan Miller, The Findings Group (December 16, 2016)
Debbie Mills, National Career Pathways Network (February 15, 2017)
Megan Mullins, Mullins Consulting, Inc. (July 19, 2018, February 25, 2021 )
Gaurav Nanda, Purdue University (March 7, 2018)
Amy Grack Nelson, Science Museum of Minnesota (December 13, 2018)
Xiaoxia Newton, University of Massachusetts Lowell (November 16, 2016)
Alyssa Nguyen, California Community College (April 12, 2021)
Molly O’Connor, (April 22, 2021)
Rick Orlina, Rocinante Research (July 29, 2015)
Jane Ostrander, Truckee Meadows Community College (March 18, 2015)
Beverly Parsons, InSites (September 2, 2015; September 9, 2015)
Elizabeth Peery, Magnolia Consulting (July 6, 2016;July 21, 2016; April 3, 2019)
Karen Peterman, Karen Peterman Consulting (August 5, 2015; January 31, 2018; February 26, 2019)
Manu Platt, Georgia Institute of Technology (December 10, 2015; December 16, 2015)
Jacqueline Rearick, Virginia Western Community College (April 8, 2015)
Tracie Reding, University of Nebraska at Omaha (May 11, 2017)
Ben Reid, Impact Allies (September 27, 2017; June 13, 2019)
David Reider, Education Design, Inc. (July 22, 2020)
Kelly Robertson, Western Michigan University (February 1, 2017; December 6, 2017; October 10, 2018; September 17, 2019; August 5, 2020; June 22, 2023; June 29 – August 3, 2023; April 30, 2024)
Lori Rubino-Hare, Northern Arizona University (September 18, 2018)
Lana Rucks, The Rucks Group (February 25, 2015; July 15, 2019)
John Sener, Sener Knowledge, LLC (December 201, 2014)
Stacey Sexton, SageFox Consulting Group (April 16, 2019)
Patricia Moore Shaffer, NASA Office of Education (August 12, 2015)
Tara Sheffer, Columbus State Community College (February 14, 2018)
Mary Siegrist, IMSA Consulting (January 27, 2016)
Sarah Singer, Hezel Associates (October 28, 2015)
Lara Smith, Coast Community College District (September 4, 2019)
Veronica Smith, data2insight, LLC (July 29, 2015)
Gordon Snyder, Springfield Technical Community College (October 28, 2014; May 20, 2015)
Jessaca Spybrook, Western Michigan University (May 25, 2016)
Dominick Stephenson, NC State Industry Expansion Solutions (August 2, 2017)
Cathlyn Stylinski, University of Maryland (August 5, 2015; January 31, 2018)
Leressa Suber, North Carolina State University Industry Expansion Solutions (June 11, 2018; August 22, 2024; December 9, 2024)
Helen Sullivan, Collin College (April 29, 2015)
Wendy Tackett, iEval (March 20, 2016)
Cindy Tananis, University of Pittsburgh (August 19, 2015)
Peggy Teague, South Carolina Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (February 3, 2016)
Allison Teeter, Kansas State University (January 14, 2021)
Tim Tewalt, Mechatronics Training (June 6, 2024)
Antar Tichavakunda, MUME Collective (September 26, 2024)
Rachel Tripathy, WestEd (June 7, 2017)
Will Tyson, University of South Florida (March 4, 2015)
Blake Urbach, Preferred Program Evaluations (March 29, 2017; October 11, 2024)
David Wahl, Iowa State University (December 1, 2021)
Laura Waldman, Tomas P. Miller & Associates, LLC. (May 13, 2020)
Ken Walz, Madison Area Technical College (November 13, 2019)
Erica Watson-Currie, SmartStart Evaluation & Research (July 10, 2017)
Brad Watts, Western Michigan University (September 30, 2021)
Peggie Weeks, Lamoka Educational Consulting (March 11, 2015)
Wayne Welch, University of Minnesota (Emeritus) (December 17, 2014)
Manjari Wijenaike, Independent Consultant (March 15, 2017)
Cynthia Williams, StyleSheets Consulting (January 22, 2020)
Stephanie Wilkerson, Magnolia Consulting (July 6, 2016; July 21, 2016)
Kurt Wilson, Effect X (February 8, 2024)
Lyssa Wilson Becho, Western Michigan University (October 10, 2018; July 28, 2021; December 9, 2021, March 20, 2024)
Lori Wingate, Western Michigan University (June 30, 2021; December 1, 2021; August 16, 2022; June 22, 2023; June 29 – August 3, 2023; April 30, 2024)
Celeste Winston, MUME Collective (November 11, 2024)
Christopher Wojick, Michigan Technological University (December 1, 2021)
Bernadette Wright, Meaningful Evidence (January 6, 2016)
Karen Yanowitz, Arkansas State University (September 14, 2016)
Michael Yacci, Rochester Institute of Technology (May 23, 2017)
Daniel Zalles, SRI International (September 23, 2015; June 8, 2016; June 22, 2016)
Rebecca Zarch, SageFox Consulting Group (August 1, 2018; May 19, 2021)
Aeron Zentner, Coastline College (February 2020)
Carolyn Williams-Noren (2020–present)
Cynthia Williams (2017–20)
External Evaluation
The Rucks Group (2012–present)
Cynthia Phillips and Lisa Wyatt Knowlton, Phillips Wyatt Knowlton, Inc. (2010–12)
Stephen Jurs, Independent Consultant (2008–10)
Newsletter Articles
Adrian Adams, Michigan State University (Spring 2014)
Terryll Bailey, The Allison Group (Summer 2010)
Carolyn Brennan, University of Washington Bothell (Winter 2015)
Steven Budd, Independent Consultant (Summer 2014)
Sarah Butzen, Right Brain Strategies (Winter 2011)
Russell Cannon, University of Washington Bothell (Winter 2015)
Celeste Carter, National Science Foundation (Spring 2015)
Elaine Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College (Winter 2010)
E. Jane Davidson (Spring 2013)
Amy Germuth, EvalWorks (Spring 2010)
Leslie Goodyear, Education Development Center, Inc. (Spring 2013–Winter 2014)
Amy Gullickson, Western Michigan University (Winter 2011–Winter 2012)
Sharon Gusky, Northwestern Connecticut Community College (Fall 2015, January 11, 2022)
Elaine Johnson, University of California San Francisco (Spring 2014)
Joellen Killion, National Staff Development Council (Fall 2009)
James Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Partners (Fall 2012)
Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Partners (Fall 2012)
John Kmiec, University of Southern Mississippi (Fall 2011)
Kirk Knestis, Hezel Associates (Winter 2012)
Joyce LaTulippe, Cambridge College (Summer 2010)
Michael Lesiecki, Maricopa Community Colleges (Summer 2012, Winter 2014)
Donna Milgram, Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (Spring 2012)
Jane Ostrander, Truckee Meadows Community College (Winter 2014)
Mike Qassaunee, Brookdale Community College (Summer 2015)
Michael Quinn Patton (Winter 2013)
Gloria Rogers, ABET (Summer 2009)
Mike Rudibaugh (Spring 2016)
Gerhard Salinger (Spring 2011, Fall 2013)
John Sener, Sener Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Lara Smith, GateWay Community College (Summer 2013)
Gordon Snyder, Springfield Technical Community College (Winter 2014)
Hellen Sullivan, Collin College (Spring 2011)
Elizabeth Teles, Teles Consulting (Summer 2011)
Will Tyson, University of South Florida (Winter 2016)
Brad Watts, Western Michigan University (September 30, 2021)
Wayne Welch, University of Minnesota (Emeritus) (Spring 2011)
Vera Zdravkovich, Prince George’s Community College (Fall 2010)
Outstanding Evaluation Award Judges
Lola Adedokun, University of Kentucky (2023)
Cherie Avent, University of Illinois (2021)
Jennifer Billman, HACC (2022)
Melissa Demetrikopoulos, Institute for Biomedical Philosophy (2023)
Amanda Smith Hackler, STEM External Evaluation and Educational Consulting Services, LLC (2024)
Ciara C. Knight, Evaluation Consultant (2024)
Cynthia Phillips, Decision Catalyst LLC (2021)
Aileen Reid, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2021)
Rebecca Teasdale, University of Illinois at Chicago (2023)
Deborah Wasserman, COSI Center for Research and Evaluation (2024)
Tom Withee, Goshen Consulting (2022)
Roundtable Facilitation
Ben Reid, Impact Allies (October 2016)
Penny Billman, REGS Consulting (October 2012)
Mel Cossette, Edmonds Community College (October 2017)
David Hata, Independent Consultant (October 2012)
Peter Saflund, The Saflund Institute (October 2012)
Lovell Smith, HOLP Evaluation & Performance Services (October 2012)
Web Survey Programming
Jarryl Ritchie, Independent Consultant (2008–14)
Webinar Presentations
Norena Badway, San Francisco State University (July 2011)
Terryl Bailey, The Allison Group (August 2014)
Joanne Balsamo, Indian River Community College (November 2012)
Ken Bartlett, University of Minnesota (September 2010)
Ann Beheler, Collin County Community College (September 2010, May 2016)
Penny Billman, REGS Consulting (August 2012)
Rachael Bower, ATE Central (August 2013, September 2013)
Åsa Bradley, Spokane Falls Community College (August 2014)
Osa Brand, Mentor Connect (August 2019)
Sarah Butzen, Right Brain Strategies (January 2011)
David Campbell, National Science Foundation (January 2012)
Russell Cannon, University of Washington, Bothell (March 2016)
Elaine Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College (November 2010, September 2012, September 2013, March 2014, February 2015, March 2016, February 2017, March 2018)
Connie Della-Piana, National Science Foundation (August 2012, August 2013)
Dennis Faber, Community College of Baltimore County (retired) (March 2014, February 2015)
Linnea Fletcher, National Science Foundation (July 2010)
Charlotte Forrest, Florence-Darlington Technical College (March 2016)
Leslie Goodyear, EDC (May 2016)
Tom Higgins, National Science Foundation (August, 2019)
Dan Hull, University of Central Florida (January 2012)
Karl Kapp, Bloomsburg University (July 2010)
John Kmiec (September 2011)
Kirk Knestis, Inciter (December 2014, January 2019)
Mike Lesiecki, Maricopa Community Colleges (July 2011, August 2012, May 2013)
Eileen Lewis (September 2011)
Lalitha Locker, Sinclair Community College (March 2012)
Goldie MacDonald, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (June 2015, December 2015)
Candiya Mann, Washington State University (May 2011)
Donna Milgram, Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science (May 2012)
Melissa Miller, Florence Darlington Technical College (September 2012)
Judith Monsaas, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (March 2011)
Jane Ostrander, Truckee Meadows Community College (September 2011)
Ben Reid, Impact Allies (September 27, 2017)
Lana Rucks, The Rucks Group (March 2012)
Peter Saflund, The Saflund Institute (July 2009, March 2010)
Gerhard Salinger, National Science Foundation (retired) (March 2011, August 2014)
Gordon Snyder, Springfield Technical Community College (July 2010)
Will Tyson, University of South Florida (December 2014)
Elizabeth Teles, Teles Consulting (July 2011)
Mark Viquesney, Maricopa Community Colleges (May 2010, March 2011)
Wayne Welch, University of Minnesota (Emeritus) (May 2011)
Kurt Wilson, Compass Outreach Media (January 2011)
Webinar Hosting
ATE Central in partnership with Luka Partners (2017-19)
MATEC Networks, Maricopa Community Colleges (2009-17)
Graphic Design and Website Development
KMotion (2020-current)
Grandesigns (2014-20)
Black Lab 5 (2015)
Brakeman Design (2009-11)
Compass Outreach Media (2012-14)
Workshop Development and Delivery
Terryll Bailey, The Allison Group (October 2011)
Marilyn Barger, Hillsborough Community College (October 2010)
Phil Centonze, Pos-Impact, LLC (October 2010)
Kevin Cooper, Indian River State College (October 2012)
Connie Della-Piana, National Science Foundation (October 2010)
Karl Kapp, Bloomsburg University (October 2011)
Joellen Killion, National Staff Development Council (February 2010)
Kirk Knestis, Hezel Assocates (October 2015)
Candiya Mann, Washington State University (October 2011, October 2014)
Joshua Morrill, Morrill Solutions (October 2011)
Bruce Nash, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (October 2014)
Amy Nisselle, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (October 2014)
Gloria Rogers, ABET (October 2009)
Peter Saflund, The Saflund Institute (October 2011)
John Sener, Sener Knowledge (October 2011)
Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, Eastern Michigan University (October 2011)
Workshop Hosting
Dennis Faber, Community College of Baltimore County (October 2009)
Mike Lesiecki, Maricopa Community Colleges (February 2010)
Special Projects
Ernest Au—Assistant Data Analyst (2023-2024)
Nolen Akerman—Tableau Developer (2022-23)
Pat Jessup, Insites—Needs Assessment (2010-11)
Karl Kapp, Bloomsburg University―Webinar Development and Evaluation Criteria (2011)
Eileen Lewis, University of California Berkeley—Needs Assessment (2010-11)
Beverly Parsons, Insites—Needs Assessment (2010-11)
Kurt Wilson, Compass Outreach Media—Using Google Analytics for Evaluation (2011)