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Showing 225 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

LinkedIn for Alumni Tracking

Post-program outcomes for students are obviously huge indicators of success and primary metrics for measuring medium and long-term outcomes and impacts. EvaluATE’s...

Management | Blog Post

Grant Evaluation: What Every PI Should Know and Do*

A number of years ago, the typical Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Principal Investigator (PI) deemed evaluation a necessary evil. As a PI,...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Alumni Tracking: The Ultimate Source for Evaluating Completer Outcomes

When examining student programs, evaluators can use many student outcomes (e.g., enrollments, completions, and completion rates) as appropriate measures of success. However, to...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

A Call to Action: Advancing Technician Education through Evidence-Based Decision-Making

Evaluators contribute to developing the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) community’s awareness and understanding of theories, concepts, and practices that can advance technician...

Management | Blog Post

Untangling the Story When You’re Part of the Complexity

I am wrestling with a wicked evaluation problem: How do I balance evaluation, research, and technical assistance work when they are so...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Increase Online Survey Response Rates with These Four Tips

Greetings! We are Molly Henschel, Beth Perry, and Anne Cosby with Magnolia Consulting. We often use online surveys in our Advanced Technological...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Repackaging Evaluation Reports for Maximum Impact

Evaluation reports take a lot of time to produce and are packed full of valuable information. To get the most out of...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Evaluation Reporting with Adobe Express

This blog was originally published on AEA365 on December 28, 2018: Hi! We are Ouen Hunter (student at the Interdisciplinary Ph.D....

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

From Instruments to Analysis: EvalFest’s Outreach Training Offerings

Looking for a quick way to train field researchers? How about quick tips on data management or a reminder about what a...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.