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Showing 225 Results
Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evaluating Professional Development Projects*

A good prompt to start thinking about how to approach the evaluation of an Advanced Technological Education (ATE) professional development (PD) project...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Kirkpatrick Model for ATE Evaluation

The Kirkpatrick Model is an evaluation framework organized around four levels of impact: reaction, learning, behavior, and results. It was developed more...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

The 1:3:25 Format for More Reader-Friendly Evaluation Reports

I’m part of the EvaluATE team. I also lead evaluations as part of my work at Western Michigan University’s Evaluation Center, so...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

What Grant Writers Need to Know About Evaluation

Fellow grant writers: Do you ever stop and ask yourselves, “Why do we write grants?” Do you actually enjoy herding cats, pulling...

Management | Blog Post

5 Tips for Evaluating Multisite Projects*

Conducting evaluations for multisite projects can present unique challenges and opportunities. For example, evaluators must be careful to ensure that consistent data...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Planning and Design | Blog Post

SWOT Analysis: What Is It? How Can It Be Useful?

Hello! My name is Cherie Avent, and I am a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. As a...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

11 Important Things to Know About Evaluating Curriculum Development Projects*

Curriculum development projects are designed to create new content or present content to students in a new format with new activities or...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Completing a National Science Foundation Freedom of Information Act Request

You probably have heard of a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, but it was probably in the context of journalism. Often,...

Management | Blog Post

An Evaluative Approach to Proposal Development*

A student came into my office to ask me a question. Soon after she launched into her query, I stopped her and...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.