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Showing 227 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 3: Data Collection Plan

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

None | Blog Post

Reflecting on the 2023 ATE Evaluation Summit: Advancing Evaluation Practices in the ATE Program

Evaluation plays a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness and impact of programs. In the realm of Advanced Technological Education (ATE), where...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 2: Evaluation Focus

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 1: The Evaluator

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

How ATE Proposal Evaluation Plans Have Changed Over Time: 2004–2017

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group examined the evaluation plan sections of 169 randomly selected ATE proposals funded between 2004 and...

Engagement | Blog Post

ATE Evaluation Judges Advise Alignment

In 2021, EvaluATE started the Outstanding ATE Evaluation Award program. Three exceptional STEM education evaluators served as judges: Cherie Avent, Cynthia Phillips,...

Engagement | Blog Post

Platinum Programs Are Agile

I am standing in the flooring section of one of those big box home improvement centers, looking at flooring and puzzling over...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Reporting Insights from an ATE PI

As a new ATE PI, I never made the connection between the ATE Survey, the project evaluations, and my annual report. They...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Increasing Evaluation Transparency through Positionality Statements

Values play an important role in evaluation. By values, I mean not just the value or merit of a project, but also...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.