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Showing 225 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Tips and Tricks When Writing Interview Questions

Developing a well-constructed interview protocol is by no means an easy task. To give us some ideas on how to formulate well-designed...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

One Pagers: Simple and Engaging Reporting

Traditional, long-form reports are often used to detail the depth and specifics of an evaluation. However, many readers simply don’t have the...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Vlog: Checklist for Program Evaluation Report Content

This video provides an overview of EvaluATE’s Checklist for Program Evaluation Report Content, and three reasons why this checklist is useful to...

Quality Review | Blog Post

Addressing Challenges in Evaluating ATE Projects Targeting Outcomes for Educators

Kirk Knestis—CEO of Hezel Associates and ex-career and technology educator and professional development provider—here to share some strategies addressing challenges unique to...

Management | Blog Post

Partnering with Clients to Avoid Drive-by Evaluation

If a prospective client says, “We need an evaluation, and we will send you the dataset for evaluation,” our advice is that...

None | Blog Post

Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking Assessment

Humber College, as part of a learning outcomes assessment consortium funded by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO), has developed...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Blog Post

Getting Your New ATE Project’s Evaluation off to a Great Start

New ATE project principal investigators (PIs): When you worked with your evaluator to develop an evaluation plan for your project proposal, you...

Management | Blog Post

Sustaining Private Evaluation Practices: Overcoming Challenges by Collaborating within Our ATE Community of Practice

My name is Ben Reid. I am the founder of Impact Allies, a private evaluation firm. The focus of this post is...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Using Mutual Interviewing to Gather Student Feedback

It’s hard to do a focus group with 12 or more students! With so many people and so little time, you know...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.