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Showing 225 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Data Cleaning Tips in R*

I recently came across a set of data cleaning tips in Excel from EvaluATE, which provides support for people looking to improve their evaluation practice....

Management | Blog Post

What I’ve Learned about Evaluation: Lessons from the Field

I’m completing my second year as the external evaluator of a three-year ATE project. As a first-time evaluator, I have to confess...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Improving the Quality of Evaluation Data from Participants

I have had experience evaluating a number of ATE projects, all of them collaborative projects among several four-year and two-year community colleges....

Interpretation | Blog Post

Evaluating Critical Thinking Skills

Like many of you, I wear multiple professional hats. Critical thinking skills are at the nexus of all my roles. The importance...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Building Capacity for High-Quality Data Collection

As I, like everyone else, am adjusting to working at home and practicing social distancing, I have been thinking about how to...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Three Ways to Boost Network Reporting

The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC), a national ATE center focusing on IT infrastructure technology, manages a community called the Convergence College Network (CCN). The CCN...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Beyond Reporting: Getting More Value out of Your Evaluation*

If you’ve been a part of the ATE community for any time at all, you probably already know that ATE projects are required...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Backtracking Alumni: Using Institutional Research and Reflective Inquiry to Improve Organizational Learning

In a recent blog post, we shared practical tips for developing an alumni tracking program to assess students’ employment outcomes. Alumni tracking is an effective tool for assessing the quality...

Interpretation | Blog Post

Strategies and Sources for Interpreting Evaluation Findings to Reach Conclusions

Imagine: You’re an evaluator who has compiled lots of data about an ATE project. You’re preparing to present the results to stakeholders. You have many beautiful charts and compelling stories...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.