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Showing 103 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Increase Online Survey Response Rates with These Four Tips

Greetings! We are Molly Henschel, Beth Perry, and Anne Cosby with Magnolia Consulting. We often use online surveys in our Advanced Technological...

Data Collection & Analysis | Video

What is R and Why Should You Consider Learning to Use It?

This is video 1 of 4 in R for the Rest of Us series. This video reviews how to get started with R.

Data Collection & Analysis | Video

Importing Data into R

This is video 2 of 4 in R for the Rest of Us series. This video discusses how to import your data into R.

Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 4: Evaluation Data

This is video 4 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video talks about evaluation data, specifically what data will be collected, how it will be analyzed, and how the data will be interpreted.

Data Collection & Analysis | Video

Data Analysis in R

This is video 3 of 4 in R for the Rest of Us series. This video reviews the basics of analysis in R.

Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 5: Evaluation Communication, Use, and Timelines

This is video 5 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video covers communication with your evaluator, evaluation use, and evaluation timelines.

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis | Video

Reporting in R

This is video 4 of 4 in R for the Rest of Us series. This video reviews reporting features of R.

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

From Instruments to Analysis: EvalFest’s Outreach Training Offerings

Looking for a quick way to train field researchers? How about quick tips on data management or a reminder about what a...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Using Think-Alouds to Test the Validity of Survey Questions

Those who have spent time creating and analyzing surveys know that surveys are complex instruments that can yield misleading results when not...

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