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Showing 103 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Video

Sentiment Analysis Methodology

This 2022 video series provides an introduction to the method of sentiment analysis for analyzing themes in qualitative data.

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | External Resource

Partnership Rubric

Developed by The Rucks Group and the Working Partners research project, this tool provides a framework for measuring industry relationships.

Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement, Planning and Design | Slides

Engaging Intentionally with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your ATE Evaluation

These are slides from the ATE PI pre-conference workshop held on October 26, 2022.

Data Collection & Analysis | Guide

Guide to Requesting Data from Institutional Research Offices

This 2022 guide provides an overview of how to work with Institutional Research offices and what details to include in your data requests.

Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement, Planning and Design | Miscellaneous

Practical Evaluation Tools

This 2022 webinar handout lists 16 tools and methods that meet the unique demands of evaluation, along with resources to learn more about each.

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Toolkit

Assessment of Professional Development Activities Toolkit

The resources and tools below, developed by the FAS4ATE project, are intended for anyone who is involved in conducting and evaluating professional development activities, including PIs, co-PIs, and evaluators.

Data Collection & Analysis | Slides

Designing Survey Demographic Questions with Equity in Mind

These slides are from a presentation by Erika Sturgis and Megan Zelinsky for the 2022 Michigan Association for Evaluation Conference. 

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation, Planning and Design | Webinar

Evaluation Crash Course for Non-Evaluators

Do you have questions about evaluation? Like, what is it? Why is it required for projects funded by the National Science Foundation? How much does it cost? Who can do it? What does an evaluation look like? How can evaluation help me and my project?

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Reporting Insights from an ATE PI

As a new ATE PI, I never made the connection between the ATE Survey, the project evaluations, and my annual report. They...

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