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Showing 103 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Basic Principles of Survey Question Development

In this webinar, participants will learn fundamental principles of survey question construction to enhance the validity and utility of survey data.

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

PhotoVoice: A Method of Inquiry in Program Evaluation

Hello, EvaluATE! We are Ouen Hunter (student at the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Evaluation, IDPE), Emma Perk (co-PI of EvaluATE at The Evaluation...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Using Mixed-Mode Survey Administration to Increase Response

“Why aren’t people responding?” This is the perpetual question asked by anyone doing survey research, and it’s one that I am no...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Becoming a Sustainability Sleuth: Leaving and Looking for Clues of Long-Term Impact

Hello! I’m Rebecca from SageFox Consulting Group, and I’d like to start a conversation about measuring sustainability. Many of us work on...

Data Collection & Analysis, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Part 2: Using Embedded Assessment to Understand Science Skills

In our last EvaluATE blog, we defined embedded assessments (EAs) and described the benefits and challenges of using EAs to measure and...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Gauging the Impact of Professional Development Activities on Students

Many Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grants hold professional development events for faculty. As the lead for several ATE grants, I have been...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Tips and Tricks When Writing Interview Questions

Developing a well-constructed interview protocol is by no means an easy task. To give us some ideas on how to formulate well-designed...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Using Mutual Interviewing to Gather Student Feedback

It’s hard to do a focus group with 12 or more students! With so many people and so little time, you know...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.