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Showing 103 Results
Showing 103 Results
Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Webinar

E-valuation: Assessing Webinars, Social Media, and Website Usage

ATE grantees are using the Web for outreach, instruction, professional development, dissemination, and more.  As the Web becomes more central to the...

Data Collection & Analysis | Guide

ATE Google Analytics for Evaluation: Handbook & Benchmarks

This 2011 guide provides an overview of using Google Analytics for ATE evaluations, including results of a benchmarking study.

Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Developing and Validating Survey Instruments

You know your project’s goals. And you know you need to measure your progress toward reaching them. You probably even know whether...

Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Evaluation Data: So You Have to Do a Survey…

Evaluation Data: So You Need to do a Survey…. Who should you send your survey to? How many people? How can you...

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