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Showing 161 Results
Showing 161 Results
Planning and Design | Blog Post

Using Rubrics to Demonstrate Educator Mastery in Professional Development

We are Nena Bloom and Lori Rubino-Hare, the internal evaluator and principal investigator, respectively, of the Advanced Technological Education project Geospatial Connections...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Planning and Design | Blog Post

The Life-Changing Magic of a Tidy Evaluation Plan

“Effective tidying involves only three essential actions. All you need to do is take the time to examine every item you own,...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Becoming a Sustainability Sleuth: Leaving and Looking for Clues of Long-Term Impact

Hello! I’m Rebecca from SageFox Consulting Group, and I’d like to start a conversation about measuring sustainability. Many of us work on...

Planning and Design | Webinar

Give Your Proposal A Competitive Edge with a Great Evaluation Plan

In this webinar, we’ll explain the essential elements of an effective evaluation plan and show you how to incorporate them into a proposal.

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Attending to culture, diversity, and equity in STEM program evaluation (Part 2)

In my previous post, I gave an overview of two strategies you can use to inform yourself about the theoretical aspect of...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Attending to culture, diversity, and equity in STEM program evaluation (Part 1)

The conversation, both practical and theoretical, surrounding culture, diversity, and equity in evaluation has increased in recent years. As many STEM education...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Documenting Evaluations to Meet Changing Client Needs: Why an “Evaluation Plan” Isn’t Enough

No plan of action survives first contact with the enemy – Helmuth van Moltke (paraphrased) Evaluations are complicated examinations of complex phenomena....

Planning and Design | Guide

Example Project Logic Model

This 2018 guide provides an overview of a completed logic model to help users understand what elements they could include in their own project logic model.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.