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Doc: Evaluation Context: Small Projects/Small Budgets

This is Joshua Morrill’s evaluation context handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Context: Multi-Site Projects

This is Caniya Mann’s evaluation context handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Challenge: Reporting and Dissemination

This is Candiya Mann’s evaluation challenge handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Context: Curriculum Development Projects

This is Karl Kapp’s evaluation context handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Challenge: Obtaining Data from Individuals

This is Karl Kapp’s handout on evaluation challenges from the 2100 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Context: Professional Development Projects

Terryll Bailey’s handout on evaluation contexts from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop File: Click Here

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Doc: 2011 ATE PI Workshop

The 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop featured 2 rounds of small group discussions, one centered around evaluation contexts, and one centered...

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Doc: Five levels of Professional Development Evaluation

A handout on the five levels of professional development evaluation, presented at the 2011 ATE PI conference.

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Doc: Evaluation Challenge: Using findings to make decisions

Terryll Bailey’s evaluation challenge handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop File: Click Here

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