This is Candiya Mann’s evaluation challenge handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop.

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About the Authors

Candiya Mann

Candiya Mann

Senior Research Manager, Social & Economic Sciences Research Center at Washington State University

Candiya Mann is the independent evaluator for several National Science Foundation (NSF) grantees across multiple programs, including 10 Advanced Technology Education (ATE) centers and projects. She specializes in K-16 education and youth workforce issues and has conducted evaluations for clients including the US Department of Labor, Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, United Way, school districts, community-based organizations, and workforce development agencies. Mann served on the advisory group for the NSF ATE Evaluation Community of Practice. She is a senior research manager with the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center at Washington State University, where she has spent over 18 years.

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