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Showing 618 Results
Management | Video

Introduction to Evaluation for Mentor-Connect Cohort 2017

This 2017 video provides an overview of What is project evaluation?; Why does NSF require evaluation?; How do you plan for evaluation?; and How can EvaluATE help?

None | Miscellaneous

Maximizing Evaluation Impact- Handout

None | Blog Post

Lessons Learned from Facilitating a Virtual Event

The logistics of planning and facilitating a virtual event are different from in-person event logistics, but by no means less involved. And,...

Planning and Design | Webinar

Evaluation: The Secret Sauce in Your ATE Proposal- Question and Answer Panel

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Guide

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Evaluation: Definitions, Evaluation Questions, Indicators, and Data Collection Methods

This handout comes from EvaluATE's May 2021 webinar. This guide summarizes example evaluation questions, indicators, and data collection methods for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Planning and Design | External Resource

Evaluation Questions Checklist for Program Evaluation

Evaluation questions identify what aspects of a program will be investigated. They focus on the merit, worth, or significance of a program or particular aspects of a program. Unlike survey questions, they are not intended to derive single data points. Evaluation questions help to define the boundaries of an evaluation that are consistent with evaluation users’ information needs, opportunities, and constraints related to data collection, and available resources.

Management | Toolkit

Proposal Development

This toolkit is for anyone who is involved in developing proposals submitted to NSF’s ATE program, including grants professionals, PIs, co-PIs, and evaluators.

Interpretation | Video

Demonstration: Using Multiple Sources and Levels of Data

Using data from the ATE Survey, this video demonstrates the use of project-, program-, and national-level data for benchmarking and evaluation.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.