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Showing 164 Results
Management | Guide

External Evaluator Timeline Example

This 2018 guide is an example of a visual timeline of evaluation activities across three years of a grant.

Management | Guide

Who Counts as Independent: A Visual Guide on What Counts as Independence for Evaluators

This 2018 guide is a visual of what counts as independent for evaluators.

Management | Blog Post

Utilizing Your Institutional Research Office Resources When Writing a Grant Application

There are a number of guiding questions that must be answered to develop a successful grant project evaluation plan. The answers to...

Management | Guide

Evaluation Timeline Example

This 2018 guide is an example of a visual timeline of evaluation activities across three years of a grant.

Management, Planning and Design | Guide

Evaluation Process Visual

This 2018 guide provides an overview of the four-step evaluation process.

Engagement, Management | Guide

Evaluation Responsibility Diagram

This 2018 guide provides an overview of evaluation responsibilities for the project staff, external evaluator, and combined responsibilities.

Management | Video

Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators Video 1: What is evaluation?

This is video 1 of 6 in our Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators series. This video starts by answering "what is evaluation?"

Management | Video

Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators Video 2: How much does it cost?

This is video 2 of 6 in our Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators series. This video shares insights on evaluation budgets and costs.

Management | Video

Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators Video 3: Why do it?

This is video 3 of 6 in our Evaluation Basics for Non-evaluators series. This video reviews the primary reasons to conduct evaluation.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.