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Showing 164 Results
Management | Blog Post

The Business of Evaluation: Liability Insurance

Bottom line: you may need liability insurance, and you have to pay for it. The proposal has been funded, you are the...

Management | Blog Post

How Evaluators Can Use

I’m excited to talk to you about the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) and the support they offer evaluators...

Management | Webinar

Three Common Evaluation Fails and How to Prevent Them

In this webinar, experienced STEM education evaluator Kirk Knestis will share strategies for effectively communicating with evaluation clients to avoid three common...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Building Research-Practice Collaborations for Effective STEM + Computing Education Evaluation Design

At the Kapor Center, our signature three-summer educational program (SMASH Academy) aims to prepare underrepresented high school students of color to pursue...

Management | Blog Post

Evaluation Plan Cheat Sheets: Using Evaluation Plan Summaries to Assist with Project Management

We are Kelly Robertson and Lyssa Wilson Becho, and we work on EvaluATE as well as several other projects at The Evaluation...

Management | Blog Post

Four Personal Insights from 30 Years of Evaluation

As I complete my 30th year in evaluation, I feel blessed to have worked with so many great people. In preparation for...

Management | Blog Post

Successful Practices in ATE Evaluation Planning

In this essay, I identify what helps me create a strong evaluation plan when working with new Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program...

Management | Blog Post

Modifying Grant Evaluation Project Objectives

When performing grant evaluations, our clients develop specific project objectives to drive attainment of overall grant goals. We work with principal investigators...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Documenting Evaluations to Meet Changing Client Needs: Why an “Evaluation Plan” Isn’t Enough

No plan of action survives first contact with the enemy – Helmuth van Moltke (paraphrased) Evaluations are complicated examinations of complex phenomena....

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.