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Showing 620 Results
Management | Blog Post

Evaluation Procurement: Regulations, Rules and Red Tape… Oh My!

I’m Jacqueline Rearick, and I am a Grants Specialist at Virginia Western Community College where I support our NSF/ATE projects and sub-awards,...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Connections among Stakeholders

At The Rucks Group, we work with many ATE project teams, and we know that the success of their initiatives frequently depends...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Show Me a Story: Using Data Visualization to Communicate Evaluation Findings

It’s all too easy for our evaluation reports to become a lifeless pile of numbers that gather dust on a shelf. As...

Management | Template

Evaluator Biographical Sketch Template for NSF Proposals

This 2017 template provides evaluators with an overview and visual guide of the different elements needed for an NSF evaluator biographical sketch.

Management | Blog Post

The Business of Evaluation: Liability Insurance

Bottom line: you may need liability insurance, and you have to pay for it. The proposal has been funded, you are the...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Creating an Evaluation Design That Allows for Flexibility

There is no better time than now to talk about the need for flexibility in evaluation design and implementation. It is natural...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evaluation That Seriously Gets to the Point and Conveys It Brilliantly

Evaluation, much as we love it, has a reputation among non-evaluators for being overly technical and academic, lost in the details, hard...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Tips and Tricks When Writing Interview Questions

Developing a well-constructed interview protocol is by no means an easy task. To give us some ideas on how to formulate well-designed...

Planning and Design | Webinar

Outcomes Evaluation: Step-by-Step

Bonus webinar! Join EvaluATE for one of our most popular webinars. Register today to save your seat and get ready to learn...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.