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Showing 618 Results
Planning and Design | Blog Post

Navigating NSF Proposals: A Personal Journey in Aligning Education with Industry

When I embarked on the journey (a gift from my Dean) of updating our educational programs to align with the latest industry...

None | Blog Post

Working with an Evaluator: What to Know

Many ATE PIs and project staff new to working with external evaluators may wonder what working with an evaluator even looks like....

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Video

Get the word out: Sharing your innovative practices, resources, and findings

This short video created in 2022 gives an overview of how to use the Dissemination Matrix to strategically identify platforms to share your work.

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 5: Reporting

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | External Resource

Partnership Rubric

Developed by The Rucks Group and the Working Partners research project, this tool provides a framework for measuring industry relationships.

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Facilitating Valuable Connections: Thoughts from an ATE Evaluator and ATE PI

I have been an ATE evaluator for 6.5 years and an ATE PI for 3.5 years. One of the ways an evaluator...

Data Collection & Analysis | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Blog Post

Communicating a Compelling Evaluation Plan in Your ATE Proposal, Part 6: Using Your Evaluation Results

EvaluATE’s external evaluators at The Rucks Group reviewed the evaluation plans in a random sample of 169 ATE proposals across 14 years....

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.