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Showing 620 Results
Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Interpretation | Slides

ATE PI 2013- PreConference: Strategies for Meaningful Interpretation of ATE Evaluation Data

None | Newsletter

20 Years of ATE Evaluation

Evaluation has been required of ATE projects and centers since the program began in 1993. Many evaluations were concerned more with numbers...

None | Newsletter

ATE Sustainability

Sustainability is about ensuring that at least some aspects of a project or center’s work—such as faculty positions, partnerships, or curricula—have “a...

None | Newsletter

Do you have a model for writing up survey results?

There is not a one-size-fits-all template for writing up survey results—it depends in the survey’s scale, the reason it was conducted, and...

None | Newsletter

The ATE Survey: Telling the ATE Story Since 2000

For the past 14 of the ATE program’s 20 years, an annual survey has documented the activities and accomplishments of ATE projects...

None | Newsletter

Developing a Culture of Evaluation

As an ATE project, you and your team collect a lot of data: You complete the annual monitoring survey, you work with...

None | Newsletter

2013 Fall

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Corey Smith, Gerhard Salinger, Leslie Goodyear, Lori Wingate

Management | Webinar

ATE Evaluation 101 (2013)

In this webinar, participants will learn about the role of evaluation in ATE projects and get practical guidance on administrative/managerial aspects of...

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