For the past 14 of the ATE program’s 20 years, an annual survey has documented the activities and accomplishments of ATE projects and centers. With more than 90 percent of grantees participating each year, more than 1,600 individual surveys have been completed, yielding an excess of one million data points. These data provide a unique view of the overall program’s productivity and achievements.

In addition to annual fact sheets that summarize survey results, EvaluATE has produced a series of data snapshots that provide a more detailed view of certain aspects of the program. The snapshot on women in ATE, for example, underscores the ongoing challenge that advanced technology programs face in attracting women, with men comprising more than 60 percent of the students in 14 of the 17 ATE disciplines for which we have data. On the other hand, the snapshot of underrepresented minority (URM) students in ATE shows that most ATE disciplines have been successful in attracting URM students to their programs. Thirty-seven percent of ATE students are members of racial/ethnic groups known to be underrepresented in STEM, compared with 33 percent in the general population. Check out these snapshots, along with others on business and industry collaboration, URM recruitment and retention practices, and grant-level evaluation practices, on our annual survey page.

Data from the survey can be used by individual projects and centers to support their research and evaluation efforts. If you have a specific interest in a topic addressed by the survey, we can provide you with summarized results or deidentified raw data for independent analysis. Email your request or question to Corey Smith (add link to contact).

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Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.