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Showing 620 Results
Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Repackaging Evaluation Reports for Maximum Impact

Evaluation reports take a lot of time to produce and are packed full of valuable information. To get the most out of...

Management | Webinar

Small Project Evaluation: Principles and Practices

An effective small project evaluation requires a clear-cut and feasible project plan, an evaluation plan that matches the project’s scope and purpose,...

Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Building Research-Practice Collaborations for Effective STEM + Computing Education Evaluation Design

At the Kapor Center, our signature three-summer educational program (SMASH Academy) aims to prepare underrepresented high school students of color to pursue...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Blog Post

Evaluation Reporting with Adobe Express

This blog was originally published on AEA365 on December 28, 2018: Hi! We are Ouen Hunter (student at the Interdisciplinary Ph.D....

Interpretation | Blog Post

Strategies and Sources for Interpreting Evaluation Findings to Reach Conclusions

Imagine: You’re an evaluator who has compiled lots of data about an ATE project. You’re preparing to present the results to stakeholders. You have many beautiful charts and compelling stories...

Management | Webinar

Ready, Set, Evaluate!

The focus of this webinar is on helping new ATE grantees and evaluators understand the role of evaluation in ATE grants, particularly...

Management | Webinar

High-Impact, Low-Cost Evaluation for Small Projects

“Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program” is a funding track specifically designed for community colleges that have not had...

Management | Blog Post

Bending Our Evaluation and Research Studies to Reflect COVID-19

Conducting education research and evaluation during the season of COVID-19 may make you feel like you are the lone violinist playing tunes...

Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Blog Post

Using Learning Assessments in Evaluations

If you need to evaluate your project, but get confused about whether there should be a student assessment component, it’s important to...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.