Download: Doc_2011_GoogleAnalystics

This 2011 guide provides an overview of using Google Analytics for ATE evaluations, including results of a benchmarking study.

Google Analytics provides extensive data about the Web presence of ATE projects and centers that can be used as part of their evaluations. This guide reviews the types of data available from Google Analytics and provides guidance about how to use these data for evaluation purposes. Additionally, the ATE Benchmarks Section provides aggregated Google Analytics data from 8 ATE centers.

Disclaimer: This document was created more than five years ago. While the content may still be relevant or useful, we advise you to contact EvaluATE or your NSF program officer for matters that relate to grant management or NSF requirements.

About the Authors

Kurt Wilson

Kurt Wilson


Kurt leads EffectX with extensive non-profit consulting and evaluation expertise, serving clients from local groups to large NGOs and foundations. Kurt holds a BS in Economics from The Colorado College, a Diploma in International Development from the University of London, and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Evaluation from Western Michigan University. As an Affiliate Faculty Member at Regis University, he teaches in the Masters of Development Practice program.

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