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Showing 116 Results
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The Power of Evaluator and PI Collaboration

The PI of an ATE center or project has the responsibility of keeping a strong communication flow with the evaluator. This begins even...

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2014 Spring

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Adrienne Adams, Elaine Johnson, Lori Wingate

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Meet EvaluATE’s Community College Liaison Panel

The ATE program is community college-based, and as such EvaluATE places a priority on meeting the needs of this constituency. To help...

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From ANCOVA to Z Scores

The Evaluation Glossary App features more than 600 terms related to evaluation and assessment. Designed for both evaluators and those who work with evaluators, the app...

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What evaluation models do you recommend for ATE evaluations?

Evaluators in any context should have working knowledge of multiple evaluation models. Models provide conceptual frameworks for determining the types of questions...

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Annual NSF Report and the Annual ATE Survey

A common question EvaluATE has been asked about the ATE survey (conducted annually since 2000, with an average response rate of 95...

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The PI Guide to Working with Evaluators

(originally published as blog at on January 10, 2013) Evaluation can be a daunting task for PIs. It can seem like the...

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2014 Winter

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Corey Smith, Gordon Snyder, Jane Ostrander, Jason Burkhardt, Leslie Goodyear, Lori Wingate, Marilyn...

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20 Years of ATE Evaluation

Evaluation has been required of ATE projects and centers since the program began in 1993. Many evaluations were concerned more with numbers...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.