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Theory of Change

“A theory of change defines all building blocks required to bring about a given long-term goal. This set of connected building blocks—interchangeably...

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What’s the Difference Between Outputs, Outcomes, and Impacts?

A common source of confusion among individuals who are learning about logic models is the difference between outputs, outcomes, and impacts. While...

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ATE Logic Model Template

A logic model is a graphic depiction of how a project translates its resources into activities and outcomes. The ATE Project Logic...

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Project Spotlight: Geospatial Technician Education – Unmanned Aircraft Systems & Expanding Geospatial Technician Education through Virginia’s Community Colleges

Chris Carter is the Deputy Director of the Virginia Space Grant Consortium, where he leads two ATE projects. How do you use...

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2016 Summer

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Chris Carter, Lori Wingate

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Three Questions and Examples to Spur Action from Your Evaluation Report

1) Are there any unexpected findings in the report? The EvaluATE team has been surprised to learn that we are attracting a...

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Survey Says Spring 2016

ATE principal investigators (PIs) who received both oral and written reports from their evaluators indicated more use of their evaluation results than...

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Outcomes and Impacts

Outcomes are “changes or benefits resulting from activities and outputs,” including changes in knowledge, attitude, skill, behavior, practices, policies, and conditions. These...

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Where and how should I report on my evaluation in my annual report to the National Science Foundation? is the online reporting system used by all National Science Foundation grantees. The system is designed to accommodate reporting on all...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.