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The ATE program solicitation calls for the evaluation of project effectiveness. Effectiveness, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is “the degree...

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What’s in the New ATE Program Solicitation with Regard to Evaluation?

The evaluation requirements and expectations expressed in the new ATE program solicitation are generally consistent with those that were in the prior...

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Tools to Prepare a Data Management Plan for NSF

NSF requires that ALL proposals include a data management plan (DMP); FastLane will not accept submissions without one. The DMP must detail...

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Tips for Writing the Results of Prior Support Section for NSF Proposals

Where are the hidden opportunities to positively influence proposal reviewers?  Surprisingly, this is often the Results from Prior Support section. Many proposers...

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2014 Summer

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Elaine Johnson, Jason Burkhardt, Lori Wingate, Steven Budd

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Expectations to Change (E2C): A Process to Promote the Use of Evaluation for Project Improvement

How can we make sure evaluation findings are used to improve projects? This is a question on the minds of evaluators, project...

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Formative Evaluation

The most common purposes, or intended uses of evaluations, are often described by the terms formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation...

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What do you do when your evaluator disagrees with a recommendation by your program officer?

This was a question submitted anonymously to EvaluATE by an ATE principal investigator (PI), so I do not know the specific nature...

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Stakeholder Engagement: What Does it Mean for Your Project?

Who are the stakeholders in your project evaluation? How should they be engaged in the evaluation?  An evaluation stakeholder is anyone who...

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