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Showing 75 Results
Management | Webinar

Strong Evaluation Plans = Stronger Proposals

It’s that time of year again, when we are just a couple of short months away from the due date for the...

Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Developing and Validating Survey Instruments

You know your project’s goals. And you know you need to measure your progress toward reaching them. You probably even know whether...

Interpretation, Planning and Design | Webinar

Claims + Evidence: Assessing ATE Grant Outcomes

The 2010 ATE program solicitation says that PIs “should establish claims as to the project’s effectiveness, and the evaluative activities should provide...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Interpretation | Webinar

Making Sense of Your Evaluation Data

Sometimes what seemed crystal-clear when the evaluation of your grant was being planned gets a little fuzzy once the data are actually...

Management | Webinar

Getting Started with Your ATE Evaluation

Congratulations on your new ATE grant! This webinar will give you the information and resources you need to get your evaluation started...

Quality Review | Webinar

Workforce Needs Assessment

What if you reached the end of your project, which experienced great successes, but the industry employers in your region said your...

Management | Webinar

Making Evaluation Integral to your ATE Proposal

In this free, 90-minute webinar, participants will learn how to make evaluation a strong component of their ATE proposals. Staff from the...

Planning and Design | Webinar

Maximizing Evaluation Impact

Too often, evaluation reports serve little purpose beyond collecting dust on a PI’s shelf. Thoughtful, intentional planning for making use of evaluation...

Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Evaluation Data: So You Have to Do a Survey…

Evaluation Data: So You Need to do a Survey…. Who should you send your survey to? How many people? How can you...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.