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Showing 75 Results
Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Developing Questions for Effective Surveys

The use of surveys for data collection is ubiquitous in evaluation, so writing good survey questions is an essential skill for any...

Management | Webinar

ATE Evaluation: Measuring Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results

In this webinar, participants will learn about evaluating ATE initiatives in practical, yet meaningful ways. The Kirkpatrick “Levels” model for evaluation is...

Management | Webinar

ATE Evaluation 101 (2012)

In this webinar, participants will learn about the role of evaluation in ATE projects and get practical guidance on administrative/managerial aspects of...

Planning and Design | Webinar

Build a Better ATE Proposal with Evaluation and Logic Models

A grant proposal that includes a strong evaluation plan linked to a sound project logic model will be reviewed more favorably than...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Webinar

Reducing the Outcomes Angst: A Step-by-Step Approach to Identify What to Measure

Deciding what to measure (and what not to measure) towards gathering evidence of impact can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Webinar

How Well are We Serving our Female Students in STEM?

You’d like to have more women enrolled in your technology programs such as nanotechnology and computer networking, but you aren’t sure how...

None | Webinar

Orientation to ATE Survey 2012: What you Need to Know to Get Good Information Into and Out of the Survey

In this webinar, EvaluATE staff will help ATE grantees prepare for the upcoming annual ATE survey (which takes place February 15 –...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Webinar

E-valuation: Assessing Webinars, Social Media, and Website Usage

ATE grantees are using the Web for outreach, instruction, professional development, dissemination, and more.  As the Web becomes more central to the...

Management | Webinar

Ready, Set, Evaluate!

The focus of this webinar is on helping new ATE grantees and evaluators understand the role of evaluation in ATE grants, particularly...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.