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Showing 618 Results
Showing 618 Results
None | Newsletter

2011 Winter

File: Click Here Type: Newsletter Category: Newsletter PDFs Author(s): Amy Gullickson, Gerhard Salinger, Lori Wingate

Management | Webinar

Getting Started with Your ATE Evaluation

Congratulations on your new ATE grant! This webinar will give you the information and resources you need to get your evaluation started...

None | Miscellaneous

Designing Practical and Useful Evaluations

These are the materials from the 2010 ATE PI Conference Preconference workshop Designing Practical and Useful Evaluations

None | Miscellaneous

Clarifying Evaluation Needs and Expectations

This worksheet includes items from Stufflebeam’s Evaluation Contracts Checklist—selected for special focus in this workshop, with additional points to consider as evaluators...

None | Miscellaneous

Ten Year Trends in Evaluation Practices in an NSF Program

10 year trends for various indicators in the ATE program File: Click Here

None | Miscellaneous

10 Helpful Hints and 10 Fatal Flaws: Writing Better Evaluation Sections in Your Proposals (short)

11 Helpful hints and fatal flaws File: Click Here

Quality Review | Webinar

Workforce Needs Assessment

What if you reached the end of your project, which experienced great successes, but the industry employers in your region said your...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.