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Showing 163 Results
Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Connections among Stakeholders

At The Rucks Group, we work with many ATE project teams, and we know that the success of their initiatives frequently depends...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Webinar

What Gets Measured Gets Done: Exploring ATE Evaluators’ and Principal Investigators’ Attention to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Increasingly, evaluators and principal investigators (PIs) are anchoring their work in equity-focused, culturally responsive, and social justice ideals. But we in the...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evolution of Evaluation as ATE Grows Up

Originally published on March 14, 2017. Featured on April 15, 2021, in our Throwback Thursday series. I attended a packed workshop by...

Engagement, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Innovation & Cooperative Evaluation

The cascading impact of COVID-19, the resulting global pandemic, and its effect on our daily lives have caused many shifts. For higher...

Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement, Planning and Design | Miscellaneous

Defining and Measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ATE 2019

This 2021 research report shares findings from a survey of ATE PIs and evaluators around how they engage with and define diversity,...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Creating an Evaluation Design That Allows for Flexibility

There is no better time than now to talk about the need for flexibility in evaluation design and implementation. It is natural...

Management, Planning and Design | Slides

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls When Writing Evaluation Plans for ATE Proposals

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Shorten the Evaluation Learning Curve: Avoid These Common Pitfalls*

This EvaluATE blog is focused on getting started with evaluation. It’s oriented to new ATE principal investigators who are getting their projects...

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Designing Accessible Digital Evaluation Materials

* This blog was originally published on AEA365 on July 23, 2020: Hi, I am Don Glass, a DC-based developmental evaluator,...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.