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Showing 75 Results
Planning and Design | Webinar

Logic Models: Getting Them Right and Using Them Well

A logic model is a succinct graphic depiction of how a project translates its resources and activities into outcomes. A good logic...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Webinar

Meeting Requirements, Exceeding Expectations: Understanding the Role of Evaluation in Federal Grants

External evaluation is a requirement of many federal grant programs. Understanding and addressing these requirements is essential for both successfully seeking grants...

Management | Webinar

Small Project Evaluation: Principles and Practices

An effective small project evaluation requires a clear-cut and feasible project plan, an evaluation plan that matches the project’s scope and purpose,...

Planning and Design | Webinar

2 for 1: The Retrospective Pretest Method for Evaluating Training

The retrospective pretest method for evaluating professional development activities requires participants to rate their knowledge and abilities before and after a training...

Management, Planning and Design | Webinar

Evaluation: Don’t Submit Your ATE Proposal Without It

A strong evaluation plan that is well integrated into your grant proposal will strengthen your submission and maybe even give you a...

Management, Planning and Design | Webinar

Checklists for Improving Evaluation Practice

The World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist has increased patient safety and even saved lives. Checklists have been used in aviation since...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results | Webinar

Naked Reporting: Shedding the Narrative

When packaged effectively, the basic facts about a project can go a long way toward communicating its achievements and capacity. In this...

Management | Webinar

High-Impact, Low-Cost Evaluation for Small Projects

“Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program” is a funding track specifically designed for community colleges that have not had...

Data Collection & Analysis | Webinar

Evaluation and Research in the ATE Program

The Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development ( define the National Science Foundation’s and Department of Education’s shared understanding and expectations...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.