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Showing 620 Results
None | Newsletter

Secondary Data

Secondary data is data that is repurposed from its original use, typically collected by a different entity. This is different from primary...

None | Newsletter

Can the ATE Survey Data be Used for Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a process for comparing your organization’s activities and achievements with those of other organizations. In the business world, benchmarking emphasizes...

None | Newsletter

Secondary Data Resources

It’s easier than ever to access national-level data that may be useful to ATE projects and centers for planning, benchmarking, or evaluation....

None | Newsletter

How Do You Know if Your Program is Meeting Industry Needs?

Since the core of the ATE program is to prepare a technical workforce, it is critical to match the skills that students...

Data Collection & Analysis, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evaluating ATE Efforts Using Peer-Generated Surveys

During the course of evaluating the sustainability of NSF’s Advanced Technological Education program, I introduced a new method for creating evaluation surveys....

Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evaluating Impact: How I Moved From Pipeline to Interstate

John Sener of Sener Knowledge LLC, an external evaluator for over a dozen ATE and other NSF grants over the past eight...

Planning and Design | Checklist

Overview of the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development

This is a graphic overview of the Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development created in 2014.

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | External Resource

Engineering Technology Pathways through High Schools, Community Colleges, and Industry Partners

This booklet contains summary findings from an evaluation of PathTech.

Management | Webinar

High-Impact, Low-Cost Evaluation for Small Projects

“Small Grants for Institutions New to the ATE Program” is a funding track specifically designed for community colleges that have not had...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.