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Showing 620 Results
Showing 620 Results
Planning and Design | Webinar

2 for 1: The Retrospective Pretest Method for Evaluating Training

The retrospective pretest method for evaluating professional development activities requires participants to rate their knowledge and abilities before and after a training...

None | Blog Post

Evaluation Training and Professional Development

Hello ATE Community! My name is Cheryl Endres, and I am the new blog editor and doctoral associate for EvaluATE. I am...

None | Newsletter

Shorten the Evaluation Learning Curve: Avoid These Common Pitfalls

This EvaluATE newsletter issue is focused on getting started with evaluation. It’s oriented to new ATE principal investigators who are getting their...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Checklist

Results from Prior NSF Support Checklist

This checklist summarizes elements that one should include when writing results from prior NSF support in an NSF proposal.

None | Newsletter

Survey Says Fall 2015

The ATE program supported nearly 1,300 programs at 2-year colleges and secondary schools across the country in 2014. The full report of...

None | Newsletter

Collaborative Evaluation

A collaborative evaluation is one “in which there is a significant degree of collaboration or cooperation between evaluators and stakeholders in planning...

None | Newsletter

How can you make sure your evaluation meets the needs of multiple stakeholders?

We talk a lot about “stakeholders” in evaluation. These are the folks who are involved in, affected by, or simply interested in...

None | Newsletter

Creating an Evaluation Scope of Work

One of the most common requests we get at EvaluATE is for examples of independent contractor agreements and scope of work statements...

None | Newsletter

Project Spotlight: Manufacturing Associate Degree Education in Northwestern Connecticut

A conversation with Sharon Gusky, an ATE PI at Northwestern Connecticut Community College. Q: Your ATE project started just over a year...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.