11 Important Things to Know About Evaluating Curriculum Development Projects*
Curriculum development projects are designed to create new content or present content to students in a new format with new activities or...
Curriculum development projects are designed to create new content or present content to students in a new format with new activities or...
This template is intended for ATE grantees to use and adapt a project logic model for their own projects.
NSF User friendly handbook for evaluation
This template can help users to ensure that they have developed a viable plan for collecting all the data necessary to answer each evaluation question and that all data collected will serve a specific, intended purpose.
Having served as a project evaluator and as a project researcher, it is apparent to me how critical it is to have...
Updated April 2019 for Throwback Thursday series. The deadline for proposals to the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education program for this...
A handout on the five levels of professional development evaluation, presented at the 2011 ATE PI conference.
At the STEM Program at WestEd, we are in the third year of an evaluation of an innovative, hands-on STEM curriculum. Learning...
As an evaluator specializing in informal STEM education, I’ve had to collect sensitive participant data, and I know that when collecting data...