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Showing 116 Results
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An Evaluative Approach to Proposal Development

A student came into my office to ask me a question. Soon after she launched into her query, I stopped her and...

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Survey Says Summer 2015

On average, ATE grantees spend 7 percent of their budgets on evaluation. Smaller projects spend smaller proportions of their awards on evaluation...

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Evaluation Plan

An evaluation plan is “a written document describing the overall approach or design that will be used to guide an evaluation. It...

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What should I do if my college’s procurement office won’t let me name an evaluator in my proposal?

DIY Evaluation Planning It is generally considered best practice to identify your intended external evaluator by name in an ATE proposal and...

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Data Collection Planning Matrix

The part of your proposal’s evaluation plan that reviewers will probably scrutinize most closely is the data collection plan. Given that the...

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Project Spotlight: E-MATE

A conversation with Mike Qaissaunee, E-MATE’s principal investigator Q: How did you work with your evaluator during proposal development? A: As PI...

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Why Does the NSF Worry about Project/Center Evaluation?

I often use a quick set of questions that Dr. Gerhard Salinger developed in response to the question, “How do you develop...

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Survey Says

Each year, ATE PIs are asked what type of reports their evaluators provide them with and how they use the information. The...

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Dashboards are a way to present data about the “trends of an organization’s key performance indicators.”1 Dashboards are designed to provide information...

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