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Showing 164 Results
Management, Planning and Design | Slides

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls When Writing Evaluation Plans for ATE Proposals

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | External Resource

Your Guide to Clear Writing

This 2021 guide by the CDC provides guidance around clear and concise writing, including tips for effective writing, a clear writing checklist, plain language tip sheet, and more.

Management | Blog Post

What is the best way to coordinate internal and external evaluation?

All ATE projects are required to allocate funds for external evaluation services. So, when it comes to internal and external evaluation, the...

Management | Guide

Tips for Using Slack

This guide provides tips for making your time on Slack more efficient and meaningful.

Management | Blog Post

Bending Our Evaluation and Research Studies to Reflect COVID-19

Conducting education research and evaluation during the season of COVID-19 may make you feel like you are the lone violinist playing tunes...

Management | Blog Post

Making the Most of Virtual Conferences: An Exercise in Evaluative Thinking

We at EvaluATE affectionately call the fall “conference season.” Both the ATE PI Conference and the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference usually...

Management | Blog Post

Quick Reference Guides Evaluators Can’t Live Without

* This blog was originally published on AEA365 on May 15, 2020: My name is Kelly Robertson, and I work at...

Management | Video

Evalu…WHAT? A Quick Introduction to Evaluation

Are you required to have an evaluation of your grant? Never worked with an evaluator before? Not sure what evaluation even is? This video is for you!

Management | Blog Post

What I’ve Learned about Evaluation: Lessons from the Field

I’m completing my second year as the external evaluator of a three-year ATE project. As a first-time evaluator, I have to confess...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.