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Showing 162 Results
Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Evaluating for Sustainability: How can Evaluators Help?

Developing a functional strategy to sustain crucial program components is often overlooked by project staff implementing ATE-funded initiatives. At the same time,...

Management | Webinar

Small Project Evaluation: Principles and Practices

An effective small project evaluation requires a clear-cut and feasible project plan, an evaluation plan that matches the project’s scope and purpose,...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | Blog Post

Good Communication Is Everything!

I am new to the field of evaluation, and the most important thing that I learned in my first nine months is...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Show Me a Story: Using Data Visualization to Communicate Evaluation Findings

It’s all too easy for our evaluation reports to become a lifeless pile of numbers that gather dust on a shelf. As...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Strategic Knowledge Mapping: A New Tool for Visualizing and Using Evaluation Findings in STEM

A challenge to designing effective STEM programs is that they address very large, complex goals, such as increasing the numbers of underrepresented...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Improving Evaluator Communication and PI Evaluation Understanding to Increase Evaluation Use: The Evaluator’s Perspective

As a project PI, have you ever glanced at an evaluation report and wished it has been presented in a different format...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Improving Evaluator Communication and PI Evaluation Understanding to Increase Evaluation Use: The Principal Investigator’s Perspective

As an evaluator, have you ever spent hours working on an evaluation report only to find that your client skimmed it or...

Data Collection & Analysis, Management, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Getting Ready to Reapply – Highlighting Results of Prior Support

Hello. My name is Amy A. Germuth and I own EvalWorks, LLC, an education evaluation firm in Durham, NC, which has a...

Management, Planning and Design | Slides

HI-TEC 2015 – Evaluation: Don’t Submit Your ATE Proposal Without It

A strong evaluation plan that is well integrated into your grant proposal will strengthen your submission and maybe even give you a competitive edge. In this session we’ll provide insights on ways to enhance your proposal and avoid common pitfalls with regard to evaluation.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.