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Doc: Evaluation Context: Assessment of Student Projects

This is Eboni Zamani-Gallher’s evaluation context handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Challenge: Evaluating with Small Sample Sizes

This is Eboni Zamani-Gallaher’s evaluation challenges handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Context: Evaluating Regional Centers

This is John Sener’s evaluation context handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Challenge: Defining Measures of Impact and Effectiveness

This is John Sener’s evaluation challenge handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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Doc: Evaluation Context: Resource Centers and Dissemination Projects

This is Peter Saflund’s evaluaiton contexts handout from the 2011 ATE PI Conference Pre-Conference workshop. File: Click Here

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