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Showing 31 Results
Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation, Management, Planning and Design | Slides

ATE PI 2016- A Practical Approach to Outcome Evaluation: Step-by-Step

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation, Management, Planning and Design | Slides

ATE PI 2016 Workshop- A Practical Approach to Outcome Evaluation: Step-by-Step

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation | Blog Post

Possible Selves: A Way to Assess Identity and Career Aspirations

Children are often asked the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Many of us evaluate programs where...

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation | Blog Post

Six Data Cleaning Checks

Data cleaning is the process of verifying and editing data files to address issues of inconsistency and missing information. Errors in data...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Interpretation, Management, Planning and Design | Slides

ATE PI 2015- Workshop: Mid-Life Project Evaluation: Setting the Stage for Continued Funding

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation | Blog Post

Tips for Data Preparation

Over the course of analyzing data for a number of projects, I have encountered several situations that can make it hard to...

Interpretation | Video

Demonstration: Using Multiple Sources and Levels of Data

Using data from the ATE Survey, this video demonstrates the use of project-, program-, and national-level data for benchmarking and evaluation.

Data Collection & Analysis, Interpretation, Management | Blog Post

This is How “We” Do Data: Collect, Unravel, Summarize!

At this time of year (early spring), we at FLATE stop to review, tally, analyze, and aggregate our collected data from the...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Interpretation | Slides

ATE PI 2013- PreConference: Strategies for Meaningful Interpretation of ATE Evaluation Data

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.