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Showing 20 Results
Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement, Planning and Design | Miscellaneous

Defining and Measuring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in ATE 2019

This 2021 research report shares findings from a survey of ATE PIs and evaluators around how they engage with and define diversity,...

Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement | Blog Post

Tips for Building and Strengthening Stakeholder Relationships

Hello! I am Valerie Marshall, I work on a range of projects at The Evaluation Center, including EvaluATE, where I serve as...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection & Analysis, Engagement, Interpretation, Management, Planning and Design | External Resource

Collection of Quick Reference Guides

This collection includes over 50 evaluation quick reference guides that address evaluation planning, to data collection, to reporting. Quick reference guides are practical reference or resource materials such as checklists, worksheets, templates, info-graphics, cheat sheets, or even a table or page in a book

Engagement | Blog Post

How Can You Make Sure Your Evaluation Meets the Needs of Multiple Stakeholders?*

We talk a lot about stakeholders in evaluation. These are the folks who are involved in, affected by, or simply interested in...

Engagement, Management | Guide

Evaluation Responsibility Diagram

This 2018 guide provides an overview of evaluation responsibilities for the project staff, external evaluator, and combined responsibilities.

Engagement, Management | Blog Post

Sustaining Career Pathways System Development Efforts

Career pathways are complex systems that leverage education, workforce development, and social service supports to help people obtain the skills they need...

Engagement, Management | Blog Post

Best Practices for Two-Year Colleges to Create Competitive Evaluation Plans

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College’s (NWTC) Grants Office works closely with its Institutional Research Office to create ad hoc evaluation teams in order...

Engagement | Blog Post

Maximizing Stakeholder Engagement by Bringing Evaluation to Life!

Melanie is CEO of SPEC Associates, a nonprofit program evaluation and process improvement organization headquartered in downtown Detroit.  Melanie is also on...

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Engagement, Planning and Design | Blog Post

Tips for Evaluation Recommendations

This week I am in Atlanta at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Summer Evaluation Institute, presenting a workshop on Translating Evaluation Findings...

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.