Picture of OEA award on blue background text 2024 Outstanding ATE Evaluation Award

Outstanding ATE Project Evaluation Award

Expanding Regional Capacity for Training in Engineering Technology and Data Center Operations 

View Report

Project Team Members

  • Josh Labrie, Principal Investigator
  • Natasha Schuh-Nuhfer, STEM Education Coordinator
  • Chris Russell, Information and Engineering Technologies Project Manager
Project team holding their awards with EvaluATE PI Lyssa Wilson Becho
Jen Gruber holding her award with Lyssa Wilson Becho


  • Jen Gruber, Magnolia Consulting

Nomination Testimonials

What makes an outstanding ATE evaluation? The answers can be varied of course, but in the ATE evaluations honored in 2024, three common themes emerged from the nomination testimonial. These themes highlight the honorees dedication to quality, collaboration, and impactful evaluation practices, making them deserving of recognition.

  1. Evaluation Expertise and Impact on Program Success
    Magnolia Consulting’s tailored evaluation methods, including surveys and end-of-year analysis, directly contributed to program improvement and the achievement of grant goals.
  2. Collaboration and Responsiveness
    Their consistent engagement, follow-ups, and adaptability in modifying program elements ensured alignment with project needs and strengthened partnerships.
  3. High-Quality Research and Dissemination
    Their ability to support data collection, analysis, and co-author publications elevated the project’s research quality and enabled broader dissemination of results.

2024 Judges

black and white photo of Amanda Hackler in her office

Amanda Hackler, Ph.D.

STEM External Evaluation and Educational Consulting Services

Photo of Ciara Knight outside

Ciara Knight, Ph.D.

Senior Evaluation Officer – Sankofa Consulting Chair - STEM Education and Training Topical Interest Group, American Evaluation Association

Professional photo of Deborah Wasserman

Deborah Wasserman, Ph.D.

Senior Researcher - Center of Science and Industry Program Chair - STEM Education and Training Topical Interest Group, American Evaluation Association

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.