Cherie M. Avent, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor - Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology, Measurement, and Evaluation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The judges praised the evaluation for its use of mixed methods, its transparency in terms of explaining where the mixed methods data came from, and carefully substantiating claims with those data, as well sharing limitations of the study.
The judges praised the report’s organization, clear writing, graphic design, and data visualization. They were unanimous in their selection of this evaluation as the award winner and their belief that showcasing it as an example of a high-quality evaluation would benefit the ATE community.
“Our partnership with Magnolia Consulting was instrumental in obtaining [supplemental funding] as their reports and data analyses helped us to demonstrate prior success and effectiveness in training the technician workforce.” – Chris Carter, PI.
Carter also commented about the evaluation’s role in helping them improve their ongoing work. He explained that their daily surveys of participants in their faculty institutes enable them to make real-time adjustments in their instruction and communication. He said they have integrated this strategy as a best practice in their other projects.
“Magnolia consulting continues to be nimble and adaptable. They are clearly a team player. I firmly believe that the success of our project is firmly rooted with the Magnolia Evaluation team.” – John McGee, Co-PI
McGee praised their willingness to go above and beyond and respond to unexpected challenges and opportunities like those due to COVID-19. He said that their comprehensive evaluations helped to guide the Geospatial Institute and then the reporting guided the mentoring program for cohort participants.
Beth Peery M.A., Researcher and Evaluator, Magnolia Consulting
Stephanie Wilkerson Ph.D., President, Magnolia Consulting
Chris Carter, Principal Investigator, Geo-TEd
John McGee, Co-Principal Investigator
Fred Coeburn, Co-Principal Investigator
David Webb, Co-Principal Investigator
Cheryl Aukland, Co-Principal Investigator
Shawn Shields Lyons, Co-Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor - Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology, Measurement, and Evaluation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Decision Catalyst LLC
Assistant Professor - Educational Research Methodology Co-Director, STEM Program Evaluation Lab University of North Carolina Greensboro