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Browse the profiles of active ATE evaluators across the United States to locate a qualified evaluator for your project.

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EvaluATE’s ATE Evaluator Directory

As the liaison between ATE Grant Seekers and Evaluators, EvaluATE created the ATE Evaluator Directory for evaluators to showcase their evaluation experience and philosophies and for grant seekers to find qualified and well-matched evaluators for their projects. post calls or requests for proposals (RFPs) to find and eventually hire evaluators willing and able to work with them on their ATE project. Conversely, this is also a place for evaluators to find ATE RFPs.

  • Highlight your ATE evaluation experience and skillset
  • Stay up-to-date and active in the evaluation network
  • Build connections with evaluator peers and potential clients

are you an evaluator?

Join EvaluATE’s ATE Evaluator Directory

EvaluATE is providing a new experience for evaluators to showcase their evaluation experience, work philosophy, and individuality

What should I include on my evaluator profile?

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What if I need to update my evaluator information?

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Will my evaluator profile always be accessible?

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Are you an ate grant seeker?

Finding and Selecting an Evaluator

All ATE proposals are required to request “funds to support an evaluator independent of the project.” Ideally, this external evaluator should be identified in the project proposal. The information in this guide is for individuals who are able to select and work with an external evaluator at the proposal stage. However, some institutions prohibit selecting an evaluator on a non-competitive basis in advance of an award being made. Advice for individuals in that situation is provided in an EvaluATE blog post and newsletter article.

ATE Evaluate Directory

Steps to Finding an Evaluator with the ATE Evaluator Directory

Know your project’s requirements

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Consider skills of a well-fit evaluator

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Browse the ATE Evaluator Directory

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Connect and communicate

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to Know about Finding and Selecting an Evaluator

View Full Guide [NEEDS LINK]

What is an external evaluator?

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When should I start working with an evaluator?

Proposal developers should contact an evaluator at least one month in advance of the proposal’s due date—earlier if possible. A good evaluation plan should be closely aligned with the project’s goals and activities. To achieve good alignment, the evaluator needs time to review a draft of the proposal, ask questions, and develop a sound evaluation plan. With short notice, some evaluators may offer to provide a generic evaluation plan. However, seasoned proposal reviewers will give your proposal a more favorable review if it has a well-integrated, tailored evaluation plan.

What resources are there to look for an evaluator?

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What do I do after I find an evaluator I want to work with?

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How much should I budget for external evaluation?

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How do I compensate the evaluator for their assistance with the proposal?

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The award notification arrived – what happens next?

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Resources on External Evaluation Planning

Management | General

Guide to Navigating the Evaluator Procurement Process

This 2023 guide maps the potential pathways for procuring an evaluator depending on your institutional policies and restrictions.

Management | General

Steps for Communicating Evaluation Design to PIs

As ATE evaluators, our team engages with many new ATE PIs. To equip new clients for success, we initiate a prescriptive process...

Planning and Design | General

Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation

Submitting a proposal to the NSF ATE program can be overwhelming. One of the many proposal requirements is around evaluating your project...

Management | General

Evaluation Crash Course for Non-evaluators

Do you have questions about evaluation? Like, what is it? Why is it required for projects funded by the National Science Foundation?...

Planning and Design | General

Outcome Evaluation: Step-by-Step

Learn how to identify appropriate outcomes to assess in an evaluation and how to use those intended outcomes as a foundation for planning or enhancing data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

Begin Your External Evaluator Search

EvaluATE is providing a new experience for evaluators to showcase their evaluation experience, work philosophy, and individuality and to get connected with NSF ATE grant-seeking institutions or funded projects. Browse the listing of active ATE evaluators today.

Visit ATE Evaluator Directory

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Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.