As we continue to social distance to keep our communities safe, evaluators and project stakeholders must think about and conduct evaluations in new ways. In this webinar, we will share 10 strategies for adapting to this new evaluation reality. These strategies will help participants rethink evaluation plans amidst project changes and disruptions, engage stakeholders virtually, and adapt to remote data collection. Participants will have a chance to hear from other evaluators and share their own successes and struggles with adjusting evaluation practices in the era of social distancing. This webinar will provide practical tools to apply to evaluation work during this time of uncertainty and change.
Further Reading on the Impact of COVID-19 on Evaluation:
- Evaluation Implications of the Coronavirus Global Health Pandemic Emergency by Michael Quinn Patton
- The Evaluation Mindset: Evaluation in a Crisis by Chris Lysy
- Evaluation and COVID-19 by Chris Lysy
- 18 Resources Helping Me in Work and Life with COVID-19 by Alissa Marchant
- BetterEvaluation blog series on Adapting Evaluations in the Time of COVID-19
- A Note from EEI’s Director: “I have feelings” by Jara Dean-Coffey
Stakeholder Engagement and Facilitation
- How Can We Use Evaluation to Support Decision-Making and Reflection in this Time of Community Crisis? By Emergence Collective
- Slow Down: A Reminder for Facilitators Working Online by Chris Corrigan
- The Definitive Guide to Facilitating Remote Workshops by Mark Tippin, Jim Kalbach, and David Chin
- Check-In Question Archive
- Making it Work Online: A Rapid Response to COVID by Barbara Klugman
Data Collection
- Dealing with a Data Disaster by Heather Krause
- Best Practices for Conducting Phone Surveys by J-PAL
- Transitioning to Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing: Checklists and Resources by J-PAL
- Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic (Crowd-Sourced Document) edited by D. Lupton
- Nonprofit Data Adjustments to COVID-19 (Video) by Connecting Evidence
- Contactless Evaluation – (in Times of COVID-19) by Vardhani Ratanala
- Trauma-Informed Evaluation: Tip Sheet for Collecting Information by Wilder Research
Multi-modal Connecting with STEM Undergraduate Students to Increase Response Rates by Sharon O’Connor
Related Resources
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