Event Details
December 11, 2019
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

Impact evaluation can be a powerful way to assess the long-term or broader effects of a project. Attention to causal inference, which attributes change to the project and its activities, sets impact evaluation apart from other types of evaluation. Impact evaluation can support deeper learning and direction for project scaling and future sustainability.

This webinar is an introduction to impact evaluation and how it can be realistically implemented in ATE projects. ATE principal investigators, project and center staff, and evaluators who attend this webinar will learn:
(1) the basic tenets of impact evaluation,
(2) strategies for determining causal attribution, and
(3) the resources needed to implement impact evaluation for your project

Further Reading:
Impact Evaluation Video Series by UNICEF
Understanding Causes of Outcomes and Impacts by Better Evaluation
Strategies for Causal Attribution by Patricia Rogers and UNICEF
Establishing Cause and Effect by Web Center for Social Research Methods

Related Resources

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