Event Details
April 18, 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

One-page evaluation reports are a great way to provide a snapshot of a project’s activities and impact to stakeholders such as advisory groups, college administrators, and NSF program officers. Summarizing key evaluation facts in a format that is easily and quickly digestible engages the busy reader and can make your project stand out.

Although traditional, long-form evaluation reports are still an excellent way to distribute evaluation results, one-page reports increase the engagement, understanding, and use of evaluation for both the current grant and leveraging findings with potential follow-up grants.

In this webinar, we will provide you with the tools and resources you need to create effective one-page reports and share some examples that have worked well in our practice.


One-Page Report Resources
10 steps to creating one-page reports
One-page report worksheet
South Seattle One-Page Report

Related Resources

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