Am I a good fit?  

  • Are you a member of the ATE community?
  • Do you have evaluation experience or guidance that others can learn from? 

If you can answer yes to either of these questions, then you are a great fit. 

Blog Specifics

The EvaluATE blog tell stories about a variety of evaluation topics, including: 

    • designing evaluations
    • writing evaluation plans for proposals
    • setting evaluative standards or benchmarks
    • collecting and analyzing data 
    • interpreting data
    • using evaluation findings
    • managing evaluations
    • overcoming general evaluation issues

Topics for blogs posts can be 1) instructional how-tos (telling readers how to do something) on a general evaluation-related topic or 2) reflective “how I did it” stories (sharing your experience dealing with a real-world evaluation issue). 

EvaluATE’s blog editor will work with you as needed to ensure your blog post’s clarity and relevance. All EvaluATE blog posts are professionally edited prior to posting. You will have the opportunity to review any editing prior to publication. 

Blog Post Quality Checklist 

Use this checklist to ensure your submission meets all the requirements of an EvaluATE blog post.


 My blog post’s topic is pertinent to evaluation in the ATE context – it’s about evaluation in the STEM education context or about topics that are fundamental to the practice of evaluation. 

 I included a clear purpose statement to tell readers what they will learn. 

 I used specific examples to explain and illustrate my main points. 

 I included specific suggestions of actions to take if readers wish to implement the ideas, strategies, or tools I described in my blog. 

 I included links to sources for readers to learn more about my topic. 


 I wrote in the first person. 

 I used plain language, with minimal or no jargon. 

 I defined terms that may not be familiar to a mixed audience of project leaders and evaluators. 

 I embedded website addresses in the text, rather than writing them out. 


 My blog post has no more than 550 words. 

 My blog post’s title is three to seven words.

 Email Blog Editor


Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.