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Showing 6 Results
Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 1: Why Evaluation?

This is video 1 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This first video discusses how evaluation can make your proposal stand out.

Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 2: Evaluation Plan and Identifying an Evaluator

This is video 2 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video reviews what counts as an external evaluator and how to find a qualified evaluator.

Management, Planning and Design | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 3: Evaluation Questions

This is video 3 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video examines what makes good evaluation questions.

Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 4: Evaluation Data

This is video 4 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video talks about evaluation data, specifically what data will be collected, how it will be analyzed, and how the data will be interpreted.

Data Collection & Analysis, Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 5: Evaluation Communication, Use, and Timelines

This is video 5 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video covers communication with your evaluator, evaluation use, and evaluation timelines.

Management | Video

Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Video 6: Integrating Evaluation

This is video 6 of 6 in our Evaluation in Your ATE Proposal Series. This video shows where and how to integrate evaluation throughout your ATE proposal.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.