The Evaluation Glossary App features more than 600 terms related to evaluation and assessment. Designed for both evaluators and those who work with evaluators, the app provides three ways to access the terms. The first way allows the user to browse alphabetically, like a dictionary. The second option is to view the terms by one of eight categories: 1) data analysis; 2) data collection; 3) ethics and guidelines; 4)evaluation design; 5) miscellaneous; 6)  program planning; 7) reporting and utilization; and 8) types of evaluation. The categories are a great starting point for users who are less familiar with evaluation lingo. The final option is a basic search function, which can be useful to anyone who needs a quick definition for an evaluation term. Each entry provides a citation for the definition’s source and crossreferences related terms in the glossary.

App author: Kylie Hutchinson of Community Solutions. Free for Android, iOS. Available wherever you purchase apps for your Android or Apple mobile device or from

About the Authors

Jason Burkhardt

Jason Burkhardt box with arrow

EvaluATE Blog Editor

Jason is currently a project manager at the Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University. He is also a PhD student in the Interdisciplinary PhD in evaluation program. He enjoys music, art, and the finer things in life.

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