On average, ATE grantees spend 7 percent of their budgets on evaluation. Smaller projects spend smaller proportions of their awards on evaluation than larger projects. In this figure, grants are split into quartiles by the size of their annual budgets and the average budget allocation for evaluation is shown for each quartile.











For more ATE survey findings, visit www.evalu-ate.org/annual_survey.

About the Authors

Corey Smith

Corey Smith box with arrow

Doctoral Associate, The Evaluation Center

Corey Smith is a doctoral associate with EvaluATE. He is currently working on his Ph.D. in evaluation at Western Michigan University. His primary responsibilities with EvaluATE are to administer and manage the annual ATE survey, analyze data collected through that survey and produce reports, data snapshots and publications based on that data. PI’s may recognize his name from the flurry of nagging emails he sends about the annual survey each January through March.

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