10 Helpful hints and fatal flaws

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About the Authors

Elizabeth Teles

Elizabeth Teles

Consultant, Teles Consulting, LLC

Dr. Elizabeth Teles retired from NSF in January 2009 as the Lead Program Director of the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program in the Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) and a program director for mathematics. She now consults on educational projects as part of Teles Consulting LLC. She also works as an intermittent expert for NSF approximately 60 days a year. At NSF she was the NSF Liaison for Community Colleges. She taught mathematics at Montgomery College, MD from 1969 to 1991. Dr. Teles holds a B.A. in mathematics from Winthrop College, a MAT in mathematics from Johns Hopkins University, and a Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Maryland. In 2008, she received the NSF Meritorious Service Award, the second highest honorary award at the Foundation, for her work on behalf of community colleges and her leadership in the ATE program. In November of 1994 she received the Presidential Award from the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges for outstanding contributions and dedicated service to two-year college mathematics education and in 2000 received the Mathematical Association of America’s award for service to mathematics. At NSF, she served on a short-term assignment as the NSF Science Manager at the South Pole Station during the summer of 1999, for which she was awarded the Antarctica Service Medal. She was also selected as one of the Department of State-NSF Embassy Fellows and served her fellowship in August and September of 2001 at the US Embassy in Ukraine. In 2005 she was the Visiting Mathematician at the United States Military Academy at West Point where she taught modeling courses the fall semester and was awarded the Commander’s Award for Public Service.

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